Fixed, thanks.

- Carsten

On Feb 7, 2009, at 1:17 AM, Daniel Clemente wrote:

 Consider a file with 2 lines:

**** heading


 Place the cursor at line 2 (where you can type). Then use C-c C-x C-i to start a clock.
 You have now 3 lines:

**** heading
    CLOCK: [2009-02-07 sáb 01:06]


 However, the cursor is still placed at line 2, like before. I think it would be more useful if it were moved to line 3 so that you can start writing right away, just as before.
 This saves you the C-n needed to move again to a blank line.

 I don't know if other actions would also benefit from this, for instanc clocking in for a second time (thus adding a properties block). It's probably not needed.

Daniel with org 6.20g

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