1 Summary ~~~~~~~~~~ (ELPA): Add support for the following: 1. Package README files 2. Upload of Packages to the repository 3. Building of Package Variants (stable, snapshot ect) This patch is backward-compatible and it wouldn't question the status-quo. It understands existing scheme of things. To exploit this patch, a patched-up package-x.el is highly recommended. Read on ... 2 Building Plain Vanilla Packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.1 Notes ========== Builds plain vanialla packages. Doesn't upload packages. There will be a WARNING message saying that the package was not uploaded. This can be noted and ignored. 2.2 Build Procedure ==================== 1. make PKG_TAG=7.3 This builds org-7.3.tar 2. make pkg This builds org-20101112.tar 3 Building Package Variants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.1 Notes ========== Modify/Uncomment PKG_SEP and PKG_FLAVOUR setting in Makefile as desired. There is a choice of PKG_SEP. Pick what you like. Use of '-' is discouraged. Assumption is: - stable releases are built with an explicit PKG_TAG - stable releases are non-flavored while the snapshot builds are flavored. 3.2 Build Procedure ==================== 1. make PKG_TAG=7.3 This builds org-7.3.tar 2. make pkg This builds org@snaphsot-20101112.tar 4 Package Uploads ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.1 Notes ========== - PKG_UPLOAD_DIR: directory where the package files are uploaded. i.e., it is the *local directory* behind the repo URL ([http://orgmode.org/pkg/daily/]). For eg, /var/www/pub/pkg/daily/. IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to include the trailing '/' in the directory while setting this variable. - PKG_EL_DIR: This is added to the load-path during BATCH compilation. The intention is two fold: 1. load package.el and package-x.el if the build machine is using Emacs-23 or less (which don't ship with package manager) 2. Override package.el and package-x.el that ship with Emacs with a custom or a patched up version. IMPORTANT NOTE: The rule for 'pkg-upload' depends on my patch to Package Manager which is accepted but not committed yet because of the (postal?) delay in FSF copyright requirements. [http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2010-11/msg00026.html] 4.2 Build Procedure ==================== 1. make PKG_EL_DIR="~/elisp" PKG_UPLOAD_DIR="~/packages/" PKG_TAG=7.3 pkg This builds org-7.3.tar and uploads the same to "~/packages" using package-x.el in "~/elisp/" 2. make PKG_EL_DIR="~/elisp" PKG_UPLOAD_DIR="~/packages/" pkg This builds org-20101112.tar and uploads the same to "~/packages" using package-x.el in "~/elisp/" Jambunathan K. Attachments ~~~~~~~~~~~