(defun org-popup-help () "Inserts a reminder of my org keybindings momentarily above the current line, until the next keystroke." (interactive) (save-excursion (momentary-string-display org-keys (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)) nil "Type SPC or any command to erase help."))) ;; (defvar org-keys (concat " | \n" " | \n" ;;; " | Visibility Cycling TAB C-i \n" " | Motion C-c C-n/p / C-c C-f/b / C-c C-u / C-c C-j \n" " | Structure Editing M-RET / M-L/R / M-S-L/R \n" " | Sorting C-c ^ \n" " | Converting to headlines/removing stars C-c * \n" " | Checkboxes M-S-RET\n" " | Archiving [manual] C-c C-x a \n" " | Filtering and Sparse Trees C-c / \n" " | Links C-c l / C-c C-l \n" " | TODO Items M-S-RET C-c C-t \n" " | Tags C-c C-q / C-c C-c / C-c \\n" " | Properties and Column View C-c C-x p \n" " | Timestamps C-c . / C-c ! \n" " | *Schedule and Deadline* C-c C-s / C-c C-d\n" " | Clocking time C-c C-x C-i / C-c C-x C-o \n" " | Relative time clock C-c C-x . / C-c C-x - \n" " | Exporting and Publishing C-c C-e \n" " | Attachments Dispatcher Commands: C-c C-a \n" ) "*String displayed above current line by \\org-popup-help].") ;(define-key org-mode-map "p" 'org-popup-help) (global-set-key "\C-cp" 'org-popup-help)