Dear emacs-orgmode moderators: I would like to use \ul from the soul package in Org mode for underlining with line breaks (and *not* underlining spaces). It’s not working well. It fails like \underline (spaces get underlined, and lines don’t break and run off the page). My LaTeX export doesn’t work if I insert \ul{abc} into the org file, but I can insert \ulem{abc} or \underline{abc}, as well as the typical _abc_. More information: I’m actually trying to define a new command using logic in the LaTeX header. This way, I can make notes with key words. I can toggle a Boolean variable, and it makes key words show up; or, it underlines the words, which are also hidden by \phantom. Also, we would like to avoid underlining spaces because it cues the reader to know how many words are missing. I note this previous discussion: It seems like the issue that was fixed at one point and \ul should work, but maybe it’s not now. Or, maybe I don’t have the experience to know how to apply the solution to my Emacs/Org mode on my computer. FYI, I’m using org-9.3.6 from ELPA with Aquamacs 3.5, which includes GNU Emacs I’m working on macOS X 15.7 (Catalina). Thanks for any help or instructions you can provide. I’m not very experienced at elisp, so I don’t know how to fix this locally, but I’m happy to try if you tell me. It looks like I may be able to do something with org-latex-text-markup-alist locally, but I don’t know what or how. I will include my org text below, noting that \underline works in the :+latex_header: lines, but \ul doesn’t. Kind regards, Enrique B. ==== Org doc starts below here ==== #+EXPORT_SELECT_TAGS: export #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport #+latex_class_options: [12pt] #+latex_header: \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} #+latex_header: \newif\ifsolution % define a solution Boolean variable #+latex_header: \solutiontrue % specify the value of the Boolean switch #+latex_header: \ifsolution #+latex_header: \newcommand{\keyText}[1]{\underline{{\color{blue} \Large #1}}} #+latex_header: \else #+latex_header: \newcommand{\keyText}[1]{\underline{{\phantom{ \Large #1}}}} #+latex_header: \fi #+options: toc:nil * This will be exported :ignore: The solution text is here. My message to you is: \keyText{Hello world}. - Now, let us try some really long key text--so long that it even spans multiple \keyText{lines. That line is this line, for so I have written it.}