I'm not sure if this is of interest to you, but I like org-cliplink to insert links with their titles. Maybe you can look at their source to build your own if it doesn't work for you? On Sun, 2020-06-28 at 13:43 -0700, Ag Ibragimov wrote: > I want to make something like this: > > Whenever I I use org-insert-link and it turns out to be a URI that starts with "https://github.com > " I would like it to be processed differently than any other link, one example - if it is a PR or > a Github Issue, I'd like it to fetch summary(title) of it and create a link that looks like this: > > [[https://github.com/user/repo/issues/3899][This issue needs to be fixed #3899]] > > Do we have any "built-in" mechanism for doing something like this? Can someone suggest how I can > make it. Thank you! >