I have successfully created a custom title page which I have used to
replace the default version created by org-mode.
http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-export.html "11.2 Titles and Title Page Layout".
However my title page contains the document title, date and version number.
I would rather not have to create a separate "custom-title.tex"
for each document that I create.
Can I specify the Title etc. in org-mode in such a way that it can be
included in the custom Title page?
I have tried moving "custom-title.tex" into org-mode sandwiched
between #+BEGIN_latex / #+END_latex commands, but this does not put
the title on the first page.
I have included a blank
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
but this still generates an empty page before my custom title page.