Look at mine config, but it's dirty too so copy-pasting it is not a good idea. Here are things that can be copied from it: - straight and use-package configuration - orderless - vertico - doom-modeline - three first lines with font, but you must install those two fonts if you want to use them - variables at the beginning - generally, whole beginning without maxima path and also you must correct some pathes - dashboard, circadian, all-the-icons - org-roam setup is harder so you can use my config but you need to read docs or watch tutorials first - olivetti - must-have - marginalia, all-the-icons completion, savehist - that use-package emacs that I don't understand but was recommended with some minibuffer completion package or I don't remember - I have strange meow setup with insert mode as default so you can experience sometimes both modes enabled with it (then you need to disable unwanted one, happens rarely) and my custom layout in layout map - emojify - minions for nice cog on modeline to set modes - org-modern - valign - great package for org tables - some latex config I must clear and first of all learn latex :P