Hi Vikram,

I think the manual is a different story than the other HTML pages generated by org-mode.

From the source of the manual:

One can see that it is generated by: makeinfo, not org-mode. 
<meta name="generator" content="makeinfo 4.13">

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Vikram S V <vkrmsv@gmail.com> wrote:

> I see neither of the problems you see: the icon is in the proper place and
> the PDF of the org home page is readable by both xpdf and acroread. But note
> that Carsten fixed something having to do with (I'm guessing) with org-info.js,
> that was causing the navigation sidebar of the manual to be absent. That may
> have fixed the problems that you see, too? In any case, it's worth rechecking.

The icon _is_ missing in the online version of the manual. Actually,
there seems to be no html to display the icon or link it.
The home page is fine. Printing to a PDF file seems to be working for me.

