Hi, Yesterday I re-exported an old pdf file with the new orgmode 9.7, I discovered a difference in the styling or the template compared to what it was in orgmode 9.6 Luckily, after adding this line to the export [1] it matched 100% (tested with diffpdf). I could be wrong and maybe the change was on my side, but I doubt because I use debian stable, and I did not change almost anything on the base system, the only thing I did is to upgrade from emacs 29 to emacs 30 one week ago. If this styling change is confirmed [2], I think it should appear in the NEWS. I also would like to know if orgmode plans to change the style again (and if the style changes, if it is going to be noticed in the NEWS). Right now I am not familiar with a more deep workflow of the latex export, but maybe ox-latex could work with a latex template, and then I would realize how to use it so I am covered to reproduce the same PDFs independently of the orgmode version. Cheers, pinmacs [1] ~#+LATEX_HEADER: \linespread{1}~   which is about sentence spacing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentence_spacing [2] If you need on my side more details to facilitate reproducibility let me know and I will try to be more concrete.