Hi Bernt,  I am not sure if I understand your patch correctly:

On Aug 10, 2008, at 4:30 PM, Bernt Hansen wrote:

<pre> sections for HTML export should be clean.  We can use styles
to indent the text if that is desired.

This allows copying and pasting the text from the HTML document
so that you get the original data in the

I use <pre>..</pre> sections to save commands I use regularly in my
system documentation.  I copy and paste data directly from these
sections and noticed the extra 2 blanks preceeding the data.

This change removes the blanks only for HTML export.  The latex and
Ascii exports are unchanged.

lisp/org-exp.el |    2 +-
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-exp.el b/lisp/org-exp.el
index 32fa819..98fb4fe 100644
--- a/lisp/org-exp.el
+++ b/lisp/org-exp.el
@@ -2953,7 +2953,7 @@ lang=\"%s\" xml:lang=\"%s\">

 ;; Fixed-width, verbatim lines (examples)
 (when (and org-export-with-fixed-width
-     (string-match "^[ \t]*:\\(.*\\)" line))
+     (string-match "^[ \t]*:  \\(.*\\)" line))

Why are you matching exactly two spaces here?  Ah, I guess I am inserting
these when processing the examples....
Maybe it would be better to not insert the spaces, or insert them for ascii
export only.  I will do that.  Thanks.

- Carsten

   (when (not infixed)
     (setq infixed t)
     (insert "<pre class=\"example\">\n"))