#+OPTIONS: todo:nil toc:nil tags:nil #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{graphicx} * I guess I don't understand enough about Org's hierarchical trees yet ** Study design Here's what we'll do. As patients of home care agencies, the subjects will all be considered homebound by definition. Subjects with cognitive impairment or psychiatric illness sufficiently severe to make them unable to consent to the study will not be eligible. ****** TODO notice how "end" on next line is expandable ****** END Somehow this text is under, hierarchically-speaking, the END statement of this inline task. So it does not show up in the final pdf ****** TODO there is text >>and the image file<< inside "end" ****** END Neither does this paragraph. Neither does this image, which must also be under the END statement of the inline task #+CAPTION: Temperature and humidity data logger #+LABEL: datalogger [[./DataLoggerImage.jpg]] ** But if I start a new 2-star heading and put the image here, it works fine. #+CAPTION: Temperature and humidity data logger #+LABEL: datalogger [[./DataLoggerImage.jpg]]