Hi all, Just a small patch that might make life easier for LaTeX (and esp. tikz) users. It enables the output of graphics in a lot of formats using imagemagick. See below for an example. This is my first patch, I have never programmed emacs lisp before, and my common lisp experiences have been short and a while ago. So please excuse a (possibly) bad patch. Details: LaTeX source blocks now have three new options: - :imagemagick When not nil the source block is processed to pdf and the pdf is converted with imagemagick to whatever is given as :file Thus, the format is not limited to png. - :iminoptions This is passed to imagemagick before the pdf file - :imoutoptions This is passed to imagemagick before the output file Small Example: #+begin_src latex ... :file test.jpg :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 300 :imoutoptions -geometry 400 ... will use this command for conversion: convert -density 300 -geometry 400 test.jpg Full example: Export this to pdf and to html to see the effect. ======================================= * Test #+begin_src R :session :exports both :results silent library("tikzDevice") #+end_src #+srcname: test_plot #+begin_src R :session :exports code :results output latex tikz(console=TRUE, width=4, height=4) plot(rnorm(100), rnorm(100)) dummy <- dev.off() #+end_src #+srcname: test_plot_png #+begin_src latex :exports (if (and (boundp 'backend) (eq backend 'latex)) "none" "results") :file test.png :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 400 :fit yes :noweb yes :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}") <> #+end_src #+srcname: test_plot_tikz #+begin_src latex :noweb yes <> #+end_src * Latex Options :noexport: #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz} ======================================= Regards, Andreas