Hi all, I am having trouble with LaTeX export (again). In my sample code, the source block below the headline 'Plot' produces a correct pdf, when evaluated (C-c C-c), but when exported, the pdf is broken. (I am on commit 0f01b842bb2b6fada2579d0278fc53422e8ea62f since the removal of htmlp prevents me from exporting) Regards, Andreas PS: my sample code: * Test #+srcname: plot_test #+begin_src R :session :exports code :eval never :noweb tangle :var chromosome plot(x=rnorm(10), y=rnorm(10)) #+end_src * Plot Produces fine pdf, when evaluated, but *not* when exported #+srcname: plot_test_1 #+begin_src R :session :noweb tangle :file test_1.pdf :exports results :results graphics :width 8 :height 4 test <- 1 <> #+end_src #+results: plot_test_1 [[file:test_1.pdf]] ** intern :noexport: #+srcname: plot_one_test #+begin_src R :session :noweb tangle :file test.pdf test <- test + 1 <> #+end_src