* maximum number of radio targets? @ 2008-09-06 16:41 John Niekrasz 2008-09-07 15:18 ` Carsten Dominik 0 siblings, 1 reply; 3+ messages in thread From: John Niekrasz @ 2008-09-06 16:41 UTC (permalink / raw) To: emacs-orgmode [-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 668 bytes --] Hello org-mode folks, I really like the radio targets feature. Perhaps too much. I seem to have encountered a case where using too many of them means that they don't work. We're talking about 2k of them, with an average length of 15 characters or so. Is it possible that the orgmode internal regexps are getting too long? Is there a general emacs string variable size limit I can change to make things work? I'm using GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.10.13) and orgmode 6.06b. I've attached a file as an example. The links don't come up on loading. But if you erase everything after line 1500 (or alternately before line 1500), it works. John [-- Attachment #2: test.org --] [-- Type: application/octet-stream, Size: 51900 bytes --] * <<<05>>> * <<<AMI05>>> * <<<Aarts97>>> * <<<Abney91>>> * <<<AbneyCollinsEtAl00>>> * <<<AggounChanEtAl02>>> * <<<Agha05>>> * <<<Agha93>>> * <<<AijmerStensrom04>>> * <<<AlbrechtZukermanEtAl98>>> * <<<Alexander87>>> * <<<AllanCarbonellEtAl98>>> * <<<AllenByronEtAl01>>> * <<<AllenCore97>>> * <<<AllenFergusonEtAl01>>> * <<<AllenPerrault80>>> * <<<AllenSchubertEtAl95>>> * <<<Allwood00>>> * <<<Allwood07>>> * <<<AllwoodNivreEtAl92>>> * <<<Almeida95>>> * <<<Alshawi92>>> * <<<Ana06>>> * <<<Anderson94>>> * <<<AndersonBaderEtAl91>>> * <<<AndersonSanfordEtAl07>>> * <<<AngLiuEtAl05>>> * <<<AppeltHobbsEtAl93>>> * <<<ArchakisTzanne05>>> * <<<Ariel8>>> * <<<ArnoldNallapatiEtAl08>>> * <<<ArtsteinPoesioar>>> * <<<Asher93>>> * <<<Asher98>>> * <<<AsherLascarides03>>> * <<<AsherLascarides98>>> * <<<AstonBurnard98>>> * <<<AsudehCrouch01>>> * <<<Atlas96>>> * <<<Austin62>>> * <<<BBN07>>> * <<<BachelderLeveson01>>> * <<<BachlerShumEtAl03>>> * <<<BaileyCarstenEtAl02>>> * <<<Bales51>>> * <<<Bales69>>> * <<<BallardHayhoeEtAl7>>> * <<<BanerjeeRoseEtAl05>>> * <<<BanerjeeRudnicky04>>> * <<<BanerjeeRudnicky06>>> * <<<BanerjeeRudnicky07>>> * <<<Bangerter00>>> * <<<BangerterClark03>>> * <<<BangerterClarkEtAl04>>> * <<<BaptistaCabralEtAl98>>> * <<<BargWalther98>>> * <<<BargielaChiappiniHarris96>>> * <<<BarkerPorterEtAl01>>> * <<<Barney95>>> * <<<BarwiseCooper81>>> * <<<BarwisePerry83>>> * <<<BarzilayCollinsEtAl00>>> * <<<BarzilayLee04>>> * <<<BassoSelby76>>> * <<<BatesMenningEtAl05>>> * <<<Bateson72>>> * <<<Bateson79>>> * <<<BavelasChovilEtAl92>>> * <<<BechetGorinEtAl04>>> * <<<BechetGorinEtZl04>>> * <<<BeckDouglasEtAl78>>> * <<<BeckDouglzsEtZl78>>> * <<<BeefermanBergerEtAl99>>> * <<<BeefermznBergerEtZl99>>> * <<<BengioBourlard05>>> * <<<BengioBourlzrd05>>> * <<<BenitezCastroEtAl97>>> * <<<BenitezCzstroEtZl97>>> * <<<BennettCarbonell05>>> * <<<BennettCzrbonell05>>> * <<<BenthemMeulen97>>> * <<<BenusGravanoEtAl07>>> * <<<BenusGrzvznoEtZl07>>> * <<<Benveniste71>>> * <<<BenwellStokoe06>>> * <<<Berg96>>> * <<<BergerDellaEtAl96>>> * <<<BergerDellzEtZl96>>> * <<<BergerRosenholtzEtAl80>>> * <<<BergerRosenholtzEtZl80>>> * <<<Bering2>>> * <<<BernersLeeHendlerEtAl01>>> * <<<BernersLeeHendlerEtZl01>>> * <<<BernsenDybkjaerEtAl02>>> * <<<BernsenDybkjzerEtZl02>>> * <<<BerwickAbneyEtAl91>>> * <<<BerwickZbneyEtZl91>>> * <<<Besser06>>> * <<<BethardYuEtAl04>>> * <<<BethzrdYuEtZl04>>> * <<<Bhatt99>>> * <<<BhattPancheva06>>> * <<<Bhztt99>>> * <<<BhzttPznchevz06>>> * <<<Biber04>>> * <<<Biber88>>> * <<<Biber95>>> * <<<Biber99>>> * <<<BiberJohanssonEtAl99>>> * <<<BiberJohznssonEtZl99>>> * <<<BilmesZweig02>>> * <<<Biq91>>> * <<<BirdDayEtAl00>>> * <<<BirdDzyEtZl00>>> * <<<BirdLiberman01>>> * <<<BirdLibermzn01>>> * <<<Bishop94>>> * <<<Bishop95>>> * <<<BlackTaylor97>>> * <<<BlackburnYoung95>>> * <<<Blaylock01>>> * <<<Blaylock05>>> * <<<BlaylockAllen05>>> * <<<BleiGriffithsEtAl04>>> * <<<BleiGriffithsEtZl04>>> * <<<BleiMoreno01>>> * <<<BleiNgEtAl03>>> * <<<BleiNgEtZl03>>> * <<<BlzckTzylor97>>> * <<<BlzckburnYoung95>>> * <<<Blzylock01>>> * <<<Blzylock05>>> * <<<BlzylockZllen05>>> * <<<BoellaDamiano99>>> * <<<BoellzDzmizno99>>> * <<<BoersmaWeenink07>>> * <<<BoersmzWeenink07>>> * <<<BohlinBosEtAl99>>> * <<<BohlinBosEtZl99>>> * <<<Bonito02>>> * <<<BonitoLambert05>>> * <<<BonitoLzmbert05>>> * <<<BorinKokkinakisEtAl07>>> * <<<BorinKokkinzkisEtZl07>>> * <<<BorosAretoulakiEtAl97>>> * <<<BorosZretoulzkiEtZl97>>> * <<<Bos95>>> * <<<BosKleinEtAl03>>> * <<<BosKleinEtZl03>>> * <<<BosOka02>>> * <<<BosOkz02>>> * <<<Boufaden04>>> * <<<Boufzden04>>> * <<<Bourdieu77>>> * <<<BourlardHermanskyEtAl96>>> * <<<BourlzrdHermznskyEtZl96>>> * <<<BowlesSeedhouse07>>> * <<<BoydGeggHarrisonEtAl05>>> * <<<BoydGeggHzrrisonEtZl05>>> * <<<Bramley01>>> * <<<BrancoMcEneryEtAl02>>> * <<<BraniganPickeringEtAl00>>> * <<<BrantsFranz06>>> * <<<Bratman87>>> * <<<Bratman90>>> * <<<Bratman92>>> * <<<BratmanIsraelEtAl88>>> * <<<Brennan00>>> * <<<Brennzn00>>> * <<<Brew92>>> * <<<Brew95>>> * <<<BrewerGardner96>>> * <<<BrewerGzrdner96>>> * <<<Briscoe94>>> * <<<Briscoe96>>> * <<<BrockmannIsardEtAl05>>> * <<<BrockmznnIszrdEtZl05>>> * <<<BrownGilman60>>> * <<<BrownGilmzn60>>> * <<<BrownLevinson78>>> * <<<BrownYule83>>> * <<<BruderDuchanEtAl86>>> * <<<BruderDuchznEtZl86>>> * <<<Bruner90>>> * <<<BruneseauxRomary98>>> * <<<BrunesezuxRomzry98>>> * <<<Brzmley01>>> * <<<BrzncoMcEneryEtZl02>>> * <<<BrznigznPickeringEtZl00>>> * <<<BrzntsFrznz06>>> * <<<Brztmzn87>>> * <<<Brztmzn90>>> * <<<Brztmzn92>>> * <<<BrztmznIsrzelEtZl88>>> * <<<Bublitz88>>> * <<<BublitzLenkEtAl97>>> * <<<BublitzLenkEtZl97>>> * <<<BucholtzHall05>>> * <<<BucholtzHzll05>>> * <<<Buhler90>>> * <<<BuistKraaijEtAl04>>> * <<<BuistKrzzijEtZl04>>> * <<<Bunt00>>> * <<<Bunt05>>> * <<<Bunt06>>> * <<<BuntBlack00>>> * <<<BuntBlzck00>>> * <<<BuntGirard05>>> * <<<BuntGirzrd05>>> * <<<BuntKeizer05>>> * <<<BuntMuskens07>>> * <<<BuntMuskens99>>> * <<<BuntMuskensEtAl01>>> * <<<BuntMuskensEtZl01>>> * <<<BuntRomary04>>> * <<<BuntRomzry04>>> * <<<BuntSchiffrin06>>> * <<<BurgerMacLarenEtAl02>>> * <<<BurgerMzcLzrenEtZl02>>> * <<<Burnard00>>> * <<<Burnard07>>> * <<<BurnsRussellEtAl15>>> * <<<BurnsRussellEtZl15>>> * <<<Burnzrd00>>> * <<<Burnzrd07>>> * <<<BurtonRoberts97>>> * <<<Butler92>>> * <<<ButtonLee87>>> * <<<Byron01>>> * <<<Byron03>>> * <<<Byron04>>> * <<<ByronAllen02>>> * <<<ByronZllen02>>> * <<<BzchelderLeveson01>>> * <<<BzchlerShumEtZl03>>> * <<<BzileyCzrstenEtZl02>>> * <<<Bzles51>>> * <<<Bzles69>>> * <<<BzllzrdHzyhoeEtZl7>>> * <<<BznerjeeRoseEtZl05>>> * <<<BznerjeeRudnicky04>>> * <<<BznerjeeRudnicky06>>> * <<<BznerjeeRudnicky07>>> * <<<Bzngerter00>>> * <<<BzngerterClzrk03>>> * <<<BzngerterClzrkEtZl04>>> * <<<BzptistzCzbrzlEtZl98>>> * <<<BzrgWzlther98>>> * <<<BzrgielzChizppiniHzrris96>>> * <<<BzrkerPorterEtZl01>>> * <<<Bzrney95>>> * <<<BzrwiseCooper81>>> * <<<BzrwisePerry83>>> * <<<BzrzilzyCollinsEtZl00>>> * <<<BzrzilzyLee04>>> * <<<BzssoSelby76>>> * <<<BztesMenningEtZl05>>> * <<<Bzteson72>>> * <<<Bzteson79>>> * <<<BzvelzsChovilEtZl92>>> * <<<Caffi99>>> * <<<CalhounNissimEtAl05>>> * <<<CallanCallanEtAl00>>> * <<<CampbellStasser06>>> * <<<Cann03>>> * <<<CansecoLamelEtAl05>>> * <<<CansecoRodriguezLamelEtAl04>>> * <<<CardieNgEtAl00>>> * <<<CardieWiebeEtAl03>>> * <<<Carey80>>> * <<<Carletta96>>> * <<<CarlettaAshbyEtAl>>> * <<<CarlettaEvertEtAl03>>> * <<<CarlettaGarrodEtAl98>>> * <<<CarlettaIsardEtAl97>>> * <<<CarlettaKilgour>>> * <<<CarlettaMcKelvieEtAl04>>> * <<<Carlson77>>> * <<<CarlsonMarcu01>>> * <<<CarrollCopestakeEtAl99>>> * <<<Carter92>>> * <<<CartwrightZander68>>> * <<<CegalaBayerEtAl92>>> * <<<CegzlzBzyerEtZl92>>> * <<<Chafe80>>> * <<<Chafe82>>> * <<<Chan04>>> * <<<ChangLin01>>> * <<<CharollesDraoulecEtAl05>>> * <<<ChaudhriCheyerEtAl06>>> * <<<ChengBrattEtAl04>>> * <<<ChengBrzttEtZl04>>> * <<<CheyerMartin01>>> * <<<CheyerMzrtin01>>> * <<<Chierchia98>>> * <<<Chierchiz98>>> * <<<ChinchorBrownEtAl99>>> * <<<ChinchorBrownEtZl99>>> * <<<ChinchorRobinson98>>> * <<<Choi00>>> * <<<Choi98>>> * <<<ChoiWroblewski98>>> * <<<Chomsky86>>> * <<<ChomskyHalle68>>> * <<<ChomskyHzlle68>>> * <<<ChotimongkolRudnicky01>>> * <<<Christopher06>>> * <<<ChuCarrollCarberry00>>> * <<<ChuCarrollCarberry98>>> * <<<ChuCzrrollCzrberry00>>> * <<<ChuCzrrollCzrberry98>>> * <<<ChungSeneffEtAl03>>> * <<<ChungSeneffEtZl03>>> * <<<Chzfe80>>> * <<<Chzfe82>>> * <<<Chzn04>>> * <<<ChzngLin01>>> * <<<ChzrollesDrzoulecEtZl05>>> * <<<ChzudhriCheyerEtZl06>>> * <<<CieriMillerEtAl04>>> * <<<CieriMillerEtZl04>>> * <<<Clark02>>> * <<<Clark86>>> * <<<Clark90>>> * <<<Clark92>>> * <<<Clark96>>> * <<<ClarkBrattEtAl02>>> * <<<ClarkCarlson82>>> * <<<ClarkClark79>>> * <<<ClarkGerrig90>>> * <<<ClarkKrych04>>> * <<<ClarkPopescuBelis04>>> * <<<ClarkPorter04>>> * <<<ClarkSchaefer89>>> * <<<ClarkWilkesGibbs86>>> * <<<ClelandPickering03>>> * <<<ClelzndPickering03>>> * <<<Clzrk02>>> * <<<Clzrk86>>> * <<<Clzrk90>>> * <<<Clzrk92>>> * <<<Clzrk96>>> * <<<ClzrkBrzttEtZl02>>> * <<<ClzrkClzrk79>>> * <<<ClzrkCzrlson82>>> * <<<ClzrkGerrig90>>> * <<<ClzrkKrych04>>> * <<<ClzrkPopescuBelis04>>> * <<<ClzrkPorter04>>> * <<<ClzrkSchzefer89>>> * <<<ClzrkWilkesGibbs86>>> * <<<Coates83>>> * <<<Coates87>>> * <<<Cohen80>>> * <<<CohenCarvalhoEtAl04>>> * <<<CohenCzrvzlhoEtZl04>>> * <<<CohenLevesque90>>> * <<<CohenLevesque91>>> * <<<CohenMorganEtAl90>>> * <<<CohenMorgznEtZl90>>> * <<<CohenPerrault79>>> * <<<CohenPerrzult79>>> * <<<Cole78>>> * <<<ComasTurmoEtAl07>>> * <<<ComzsTurmoEtZl07>>> * <<<Conklin03>>> * <<<ConklinSelvinEtAl01>>> * <<<ConklinSelvinEtZl01>>> * <<<Cook99>>> * <<<CookGumperz05>>> * <<<Cooley94>>> * <<<Cooper05>>> * <<<Cooper83>>> * <<<Cooper95>>> * <<<CooperLarssonEtAl99>>> * <<<CooperLzrssonEtZl99>>> * <<<CopestakeFlickinger00>>> * <<<CopestakeFlickingerEtAl05>>> * <<<CopestzkeFlickinger00>>> * <<<CopestzkeFlickingerEtZl05>>> * <<<Corblin96>>> * <<<CorblinGodardEtAl97>>> * <<<CorblinGodzrdEtZl97>>> * <<<CoreAllen97>>> * <<<CoreIshizakiEtAl99>>> * <<<CoreIshizzkiEtZl99>>> * <<<CoreZllen97>>> * <<<Cornish96>>> * <<<Cornish99>>> * <<<CorstonOliverRinggerEtAl04>>> * <<<CorstonOliverRinggerEtZl04>>> * <<<CouperKuhlenSelting96>>> * <<<CouperKuhlenThompson08>>> * <<<CowieLehnert96>>> * <<<Coztes83>>> * <<<Coztes87>>> * <<<CraggsWood05>>> * <<<Crapanzano96>>> * <<<CremersHilhorstEtAl05>>> * <<<CremersHilhorstEtZl05>>> * <<<CrockerPickeringEtAl00>>> * <<<CrockerPickeringEtZl00>>> * <<<CroftCruse04>>> * <<<Crouch99>>> * <<<CrouchKing05>>> * <<<CrzggsWood05>>> * <<<Crzpznzzno96>>> * <<<Cucerzan07>>> * <<<Cucerzzn07>>> * <<<Czffi99>>> * <<<CzlhounNissimEtZl05>>> * <<<CzllznCzllznEtZl00>>> * <<<CzmpbellStzsser06>>> * <<<Cznn03>>> * <<<CznsecoLzmelEtZl05>>> * <<<CznsecoRodriguezLzmelEtZl04>>> * <<<CzrdieNgEtZl00>>> * <<<CzrdieWiebeEtZl03>>> * <<<Czrey80>>> * <<<Czrlettz96>>> * <<<CzrlettzEvertEtZl03>>> * <<<CzrlettzGzrrodEtZl98>>> * <<<CzrlettzIszrdEtZl97>>> * <<<CzrlettzKilgour>>> * <<<CzrlettzMcKelvieEtZl04>>> * <<<CzrlettzZshbyEtZl>>> * <<<Czrlson77>>> * <<<CzrlsonMzrcu01>>> * <<<CzrrollCopestzkeEtZl99>>> * <<<Czrter92>>> * <<<CzrtwrightZznder68>>> * <<<DALECRAINTHORESON3>>> * <<<DZLECRZINTHORESON3>>> * <<<DabbsRuback84>>> * <<<Dahl97>>> * <<<Dallas01>>> * <<<DalrympleKanazawaEtAl98>>> * <<<DalrympleShieberEtAl91>>> * <<<Daume06>>> * <<<DaumeMarcu05>>> * <<<Davidson80>>> * <<<DaviesHarre90>>> * <<<Deemter96>>> * <<<DeemterKibble00>>> * <<<DeemterKibble02>>> * <<<DeemterOdijk97>>> * <<<DeemterPeters96>>> * <<<Dekker02>>> * <<<DellBrown91>>> * <<<DemirdjianDarrell02>>> * <<<DemirdjiznDzrrell02>>> * <<<DengRamsayEtAl97>>> * <<<DengRzmszyEtZl97>>> * <<<Dennis96>>> * <<<DevittHanley06>>> * <<<DevittHznley06>>> * <<<DhillonBhagatEtAl04>>> * <<<DhillonBhzgztEtZl04>>> * <<<DielmannRenals04>>> * <<<DielmannRenals07>>> * <<<DielmannRenals>>> * <<<DielmznnRenzls04>>> * <<<DielmznnRenzls07>>> * <<<DielmznnRenzls>>> * <<<Dignum04>>> * <<<Dijk06>>> * <<<Dijk82>>> * <<<Dijk97>>> * <<<DijkKintsch83>>> * <<<DoddingtonMitchellEtAl04>>> * <<<DoddingtonMitchellEtZl04>>> * <<<DoesEijck96>>> * <<<DohertyGranlundEtAl00>>> * <<<DohertyGrznlundEtZl00>>> * <<<Donnellan66>>> * <<<Donnellzn66>>> * <<<Dooley88>>> * <<<Douglas98>>> * <<<Douglzs98>>> * <<<DowdingGawronEtAl93>>> * <<<DowdingGzwronEtZl93>>> * <<<DowdingMooreEtAl94>>> * <<<DowdingMooreEtZl94>>> * <<<DowdingPurver05>>> * <<<DowneyBroadheadEtAl07>>> * <<<DowneyBrozdhezdEtZl07>>> * <<<Drabble99>>> * <<<DrewHeritage92>>> * <<<DrewHeritzge92>>> * <<<DrewWootton88>>> * <<<Drzbble99>>> * <<<DuBartell99>>> * <<<DuBzrtell99>>> * <<<DubeyKellerEtAl06>>> * <<<DubeyKellerEtZl06>>> * <<<DuchanBruderEtAl95>>> * <<<DuchznBruderEtZl95>>> * <<<Duranti03>>> * <<<Duranti84>>> * <<<DurantiGoodwin92>>> * <<<Durznti03>>> * <<<Durznti84>>> * <<<DurzntiGoodwin92>>> * <<<DusanFlanagan01>>> * <<<DusanFlanagan02>>> * <<<DusznFlznzgzn01>>> * <<<DusznFlznzgzn02>>> * <<<DybkjaerMinker07>>> * <<<DybkjzerMinker07>>> * <<<DyerKellerCohen00>>> * <<<DzbbsRubzck84>>> * <<<Dzhl97>>> * <<<DzikovskaSwiftEtAl04>>> * <<<DzikovskzSwiftEtZl04>>> * <<<Dzllzs01>>> * <<<DzlrympleKznzzzwzEtZl98>>> * <<<DzlrympleShieberEtZl91>>> * <<<Dzume06>>> * <<<DzumeMzrcu05>>> * <<<Dzvidson80>>> * <<<DzviesHzrre90>>> * <<<Eckert08>>> * <<<EckertStrube00>>> * <<<Edwards>>> * <<<Edwzrds>>> * <<<EerdmansPrevignanoEtAl03>>> * <<<EerdmznsPrevignznoEtZl03>>> * <<<EgginsSlade97>>> * <<<EgginsSlzde97>>> * <<<EhlenLaidebeureEtAl06>>> * <<<EhlenLzidebeureEtZl06>>> * <<<EhlenPurverEtAl07>>> * <<<EhlenPurverEtZl07>>> * <<<EklundBatesEtAl06>>> * <<<EklundBztesEtZl06>>> * <<<Elbourne08>>> * <<<ElsnerCharniak08>>> * <<<ElsnerChzrnizk08>>> * <<<EnfieldStivers07>>> * <<<EngdahlLarssonEtAl99>>> * <<<EngdzhlLzrssonEtZl99>>> * <<<Erbach90>>> * <<<Erbach91>>> * <<<Erbach95>>> * <<<Erbach97>>> * <<<Erbzch90>>> * <<<Erbzch91>>> * <<<Erbzch95>>> * <<<Erbzch97>>> * <<<Ericsson05>>> * <<<ErvinTripp64>>> * <<<EugenioGlass04>>> * <<<EugenioGlzss04>>> * <<<EugenioJordanEtAl00>>> * <<<EugenioJordanEtAl97>>> * <<<EugenioJordanEtAl98>>> * <<<EugenioJordznEtZl00>>> * <<<EugenioJordznEtZl97>>> * <<<EugenioJordznEtZl98>>> * <<<EveraertRiemsdijk06>>> * <<<Everitt98>>> * <<<EverzertRiemsdijk06>>> * <<<FAY9>>> * <<<FZY9>>> * <<<Fant60>>> * <<<Farkas97>>> * <<<FarrarLangendoen03>>> * <<<FasuloZucchermaglio02>>> * <<<Fauconnier00>>> * <<<Fauconnier85>>> * <<<FaulhaberLevinson81>>> * <<<FavreBechetEtAl05>>> * <<<FayGarrodEtAl00>>> * <<<Fernandez02>>> * <<<Fernandez03>>> * <<<Fernandez06>>> * <<<Fernzndez02>>> * <<<Fernzndez03>>> * <<<Fernzndez06>>> * <<<FerraraBell95>>> * <<<Ferreira96>>> * <<<FerreiraDell00>>> * <<<Ferreirz96>>> * <<<FerreirzDell00>>> * <<<FerrzrzBell95>>> * <<<Fillmore71>>> * <<<Fillmore72>>> * <<<Fillmore97>>> * <<<FillmoreKayEtAl88>>> * <<<FillmoreKzyEtZl88>>> * <<<FinkeLapataEtAl98>>> * <<<FinkeLzpztzEtZl98>>> * <<<Fischer64>>> * <<<FiscusWheatley04>>> * <<<FiscusWheztley04>>> * <<<Fisher70>>> * <<<Fisher71>>> * <<<FisherHawes71>>> * <<<FisherHzwes71>>> * <<<Fishman68>>> * <<<Fishmzn68>>> * <<<Fitzmaurice04>>> * <<<Fitzmzurice04>>> * <<<Fletcher94>>> * <<<FlychtEriksson04>>> * <<<FlychtEriksson99>>> * <<<FodorSag82>>> * <<<FodorSzg82>>> * <<<FoleyValin84>>> * <<<FoleyVzlin84>>> * <<<FonsecaGreberWaugh03>>> * <<<FonseczGreberWzugh03>>> * <<<Fortanet04>>> * <<<Fortanet05>>> * <<<FortescueHarderEtAl92>>> * <<<FortescueHzrderEtZl92>>> * <<<Fortznet04>>> * <<<Fortznet05>>> * <<<Fox96>>> * <<<FoxTreeSchrock02>>> * <<<FrancikClark85>>> * <<<Fraser80>>> * <<<Fraser90>>> * <<<Fraser99>>> * <<<Frey94>>> * <<<Friess07>>> * <<<FryGinztonEtAl01>>> * <<<FryGinztonEtZl01>>> * <<<FrzncikClzrk85>>> * <<<Frzser80>>> * <<<Frzser90>>> * <<<Frzser99>>> * <<<Fujimura67>>> * <<<Fujimurz67>>> * <<<Fznt60>>> * <<<Fzrkzs97>>> * <<<FzrrzrLzngendoen03>>> * <<<FzsuloZucchermzglio02>>> * <<<Fzuconnier00>>> * <<<Fzuconnier85>>> * <<<FzulhzberLevinson81>>> * <<<FzvreBechetEtZl05>>> * <<<FzyGzrrodEtZl00>>> * <<<Gabsdil03>>> * <<<GabsdilBos03>>> * <<<GabsdilLemon04>>> * <<<Galley06>>> * <<<GalleyMcKeownEtAl03>>> * <<<GalleyMcKeownEtAl04>>> * <<<GallwitzNothEtAl96>>> * <<<GardentThater01>>> * <<<Gardner01>>> * <<<GarofoloLaprunEtAl04>>> * <<<GarrodAnderson87>>> * <<<GarrodDoherty94>>> * <<<GarrodPickering01>>> * <<<GaticaPerezLathoudEtAl03>>> * <<<GawronPeters90>>> * <<<GazdarMellish89>>> * <<<GeertzenBunt06>>> * <<<GentnerGoldinMeadow03>>> * <<<GentnerGoldinMezdow03>>> * <<<Georgakopoulou01>>> * <<<Georgakopoulou03>>> * <<<Georgakopoulou06>>> * <<<GeorgesculClarkEtAl06>>> * <<<GeorgesculClzrkEtZl06>>> * <<<Georgzkopoulou01>>> * <<<Georgzkopoulou03>>> * <<<Georgzkopoulou06>>> * <<<Gernsbacher94>>> * <<<GernsbacherGivon95>>> * <<<Gernsbzcher94>>> * <<<GernsbzcherGivon95>>> * <<<Geurts97>>> * <<<GeurtsBocconiEtAl03>>> * <<<GeurtsBocconiEtZl03>>> * <<<Ghadessy98>>> * <<<Ghzdessy98>>> * <<<GinzburgFernandez05>>> * <<<GinzburgFernzndez05>>> * <<<Givon79>>> * <<<Givon83>>> * <<<Givon97>>> * <<<GodfreyHollimanEtAl92>>> * <<<GodfreyHollimznEtZl92>>> * <<<Goffman51>>> * <<<Goffman55>>> * <<<Goffman56>>> * <<<Goffman59>>> * <<<Goffman64>>> * <<<Goffman67>>> * <<<Goffman74>>> * <<<Goffman76>>> * <<<Goffman77>>> * <<<Goffman78>>> * <<<Goffman79>>> * <<<Goffman81>>> * <<<Goffman83>>> * <<<Goffmzn51>>> * <<<Goffmzn55>>> * <<<Goffmzn56>>> * <<<Goffmzn59>>> * <<<Goffmzn64>>> * <<<Goffmzn67>>> * <<<Goffmzn74>>> * <<<Goffmzn76>>> * <<<Goffmzn77>>> * <<<Goffmzn78>>> * <<<Goffmzn79>>> * <<<Goffmzn81>>> * <<<Goffmzn83>>> * <<<Goldblatt92>>> * <<<Goldblztt92>>> * <<<Goodwin00>>> * <<<Goodwin03>>> * <<<Goodwin07>>> * <<<Goodwin79>>> * <<<Goodwin81>>> * <<<Goodwin94>>> * <<<Goodwin99>>> * <<<GoodwinDuranti92>>> * <<<GoodwinDurznti92>>> * <<<Gorrell03>>> * <<<GorrellLewinEtAl02>>> * <<<GorrellLewinEtZl02>>> * <<<GraesserGernsbacherEtAl03>>> * <<<Graham07>>> * <<<Granger77>>> * <<<GravanoBenusEtAl07>>> * <<<GravanoBenusEtAl08>>> * <<<GreenCarberry99>>> * <<<GreenCzrberry99>>> * <<<GreenLazarus91>>> * <<<GreenLzzzrus91>>> * <<<Greenberg78>>> * <<<Gregory01>>> * <<<Gregory83>>> * <<<GreimasCourtes89>>> * <<<GreimzsCourtes89>>> * <<<GrenobleRiley96>>> * <<<Grice57>>> * <<<Grice69>>> * <<<Grice75>>> * <<<Grice78>>> * <<<GriceBenzmullerEtAl95>>> * <<<GriceBenzmullerEtZl95>>> * <<<GriffithsSteyvers04>>> * <<<GriffithsSteyversEtAl05>>> * <<<GriffithsSteyversEtZl05>>> * <<<GrimshawBurkeEtAl91>>> * <<<GrimshzwBurkeEtZl91>>> * <<<GrishmanMacleodEtAl94>>> * <<<GrishmanSundheim96>>> * <<<GrishmznMzcleodEtZl94>>> * <<<GrishmznSundheim96>>> * <<<GroenendijkStokhof91>>> * <<<GrooteVerbandtEtAl00>>> * <<<GrooteVerbzndtEtZl00>>> * <<<GrossoErikssonEtAl99>>> * <<<GrossoErikssonEtZl99>>> * <<<Grosz80>>> * <<<GroszHunsberger06>>> * <<<GroszJonesEtAl86>>> * <<<GroszJonesEtZl86>>> * <<<GroszJoshiEtAl95>>> * <<<GroszJoshiEtZl95>>> * <<<GroszKraus96>>> * <<<GroszKraus99>>> * <<<GroszKrzus96>>> * <<<GroszKrzus99>>> * <<<GroszSidner86>>> * <<<GroszSidner98>>> * <<<Gruber93>>> * <<<Gruenstein02>>> * <<<GruensteinCavedonEtAl04>>> * <<<GruensteinCzvedonEtZl04>>> * <<<GruensteinNiekraszEtAl05>>> * <<<GruensteinNiekraszEtAl>>> * <<<GruensteinNiekrzszEtZl05>>> * <<<GruensteinNiekrzszEtZl>>> * <<<GrzesserGernsbzcherEtZl03>>> * <<<Grzhzm07>>> * <<<Grznger77>>> * <<<GrzvznoBenusEtZl07>>> * <<<GrzvznoBenusEtZl08>>> * <<<Gudykunst05>>> * <<<Gumperz64>>> * <<<Gumperz82>>> * <<<GumperzKaltmanEtAl84>>> * <<<GumperzKzltmznEtZl84>>> * <<<GumperzLevinson91>>> * <<<GundelHedbergEtAl02>>> * <<<GundelHedbergEtAl93>>> * <<<GundelHedbergEtZl02>>> * <<<GundelHedbergEtZl93>>> * <<<GuptaNiekraszEtAl07>>> * <<<GuptaPurverEtAl07>>> * <<<GuptzNiekrzszEtZl07>>> * <<<GuptzPurverEtZl07>>> * <<<GustafsonvCapkova01>>> * <<<GustzfsonvCzpkovz01>>> * <<<GuzzoDickson96>>> * <<<Gzbsdil03>>> * <<<GzbsdilBos03>>> * <<<GzbsdilLemon04>>> * <<<Gzlley06>>> * <<<GzlleyMcKeownEtZl03>>> * <<<GzlleyMcKeownEtZl04>>> * <<<GzllwitzNothEtZl96>>> * <<<GzrdentThzter01>>> * <<<Gzrdner01>>> * <<<GzrofoloLzprunEtZl04>>> * <<<GzrrodDoherty94>>> * <<<GzrrodPickering01>>> * <<<GzrrodZnderson87>>> * <<<GzticzPerezLzthoudEtZl03>>> * <<<GzwronPeters90>>> * <<<GzzdzrMellish89>>> * <<<HaciogluDouglasEtAl05>>> * <<<HahnLadnerEtAl06>>> * <<<HainBurgetEtAl07>>> * <<<HakkaniTurBechetEtAl06>>> * <<<Halliday91>>> * <<<HallidayHasan76>>> * <<<HallidayMatthiessen04>>> * <<<HamakerZengEtAl98>>> * <<<Hanks00>>> * <<<Hanks05>>> * <<<Hanks84>>> * <<<Hanks85>>> * <<<Hanks86>>> * <<<Hanks87>>> * <<<Hanks88>>> * <<<Hanks89>>> * <<<Hanks90>>> * <<<Hanks92>>> * <<<Hanks93>>> * <<<Hanks96>>> * <<<Harris80>>> * <<<Harwood05>>> * <<<Harwood06>>> * <<<Harwood07>>> * <<<Hasan91>>> * <<<Hastings94>>> * <<<Hausser01>>> * <<<Hausser89>>> * <<<Hawkins78>>> * <<<Hayes80>>> * <<<HeYoung03>>> * <<<HealeySwobodaEtAl02>>> * <<<Hearst94>>> * <<<Hearst97>>> * <<<HechtWarrenEtAl05>>> * <<<HechtWzrrenEtZl05>>> * <<<HedbergGundelEtAl07>>> * <<<HedbergGundelEtZl07>>> * <<<HedelinHuber90>>> * <<<Heeman93>>> * <<<HeemanAllen95>>> * <<<HeemanHirst95>>> * <<<HeemanYangEtAl02>>> * <<<Heemzn93>>> * <<<HeemznHirst95>>> * <<<HeemznYzngEtZl02>>> * <<<HeemznZllen95>>> * <<<Heim67>>> * <<<Heim82>>> * <<<Hendrix80>>> * <<<Heritage07>>> * <<<Heritzge07>>> * <<<HertzKroghEtAl91>>> * <<<HertzKroghEtZl91>>> * <<<Hess83>>> * <<<Hetherington94>>> * <<<Heusinger00>>> * <<<Heusinger02>>> * <<<HeusingerEgli00>>> * <<<HeylenAkker06>>> * <<<HeylenAkker07>>> * <<<HeylenZkker06>>> * <<<HeylenZkker07>>> * <<<HezleySwobodzEtZl02>>> * <<<Hezrst94>>> * <<<Hezrst97>>> * <<<HillardOstendorfEtAl03>>> * <<<HillzrdOstendorfEtZl03>>> * <<<HiltzJohnsonEtAl80>>> * <<<HiltzJohnsonEtZl80>>> * <<<HindmarshHeath00>>> * <<<HindmzrshHezth00>>> * <<<Hinton86>>> * <<<HirokawaPoole96>>> * <<<HirokzwzPoole96>>> * <<<Hirose00>>> * <<<HirschbergLitman93>>> * <<<HirschbergLitmzn93>>> * <<<HirschbergNakatani98>>> * <<<HirschbergNzkztzni98>>> * <<<HirschmanChinchor98>>> * <<<HirschmznChinchor98>>> * <<<Hobbs80>>> * <<<Hobbs83>>> * <<<Hobbs96>>> * <<<HobbsStickelEtAl93>>> * <<<HobbsStickelEtZl93>>> * <<<Hockey94>>> * <<<HockeyLemonEtAl03>>> * <<<HockeyLemonEtZl03>>> * <<<HockeyRossenKnillEtAl97>>> * <<<HockeyRossenKnillEtZl97>>> * <<<Hoffman79>>> * <<<Hoffmzn79>>> * <<<Hofmann99>>> * <<<Hofmznn99>>> * <<<HogdenNixEtAl98>>> * <<<HogdenNixEtZl98>>> * <<<HogdenValdez00>>> * <<<HogdenValdez01>>> * <<<HogdenVzldez00>>> * <<<HogdenVzldez01>>> * <<<Hogue94>>> * <<<Hollingshead96>>> * <<<Hollingshezd96>>> * <<<Holmes84>>> * <<<Holmes98>>> * <<<HolmesMarra05>>> * <<<HolmesMzrrz05>>> * <<<HolmesStubbe03>>> * <<<HorlockKing03>>> * <<<HornWard03>>> * <<<HornWzrd03>>> * <<<HortonKeysar96>>> * <<<HortonKeyszr96>>> * <<<HosteHendrickxEtAl07>>> * <<<HosteHendrickxEtZl07>>> * <<<HovyScott96>>> * <<<Hoye05>>> * <<<Hsueh08>>> * <<<HsuehMoore06>>> * <<<HsuehMoore07>>> * <<<HsuehMoore>>> * <<<HsuehMooreEtAl06>>> * <<<HsuehMooreEtZl06>>> * <<<Huddleston94>>> * <<<HulsClaassenEtAl95>>> * <<<HulsClzzssenEtZl95>>> * <<<HuntBlack96>>> * <<<HuntBlzck96>>> * <<<Hyland05>>> * <<<Hylznd05>>> * <<<Hymes64>>> * <<<Hymes66>>> * <<<Hymes73>>> * <<<Hymes74>>> * <<<Hymes75>>> * <<<Hymes77>>> * <<<Hymes79>>> * <<<Hymes80>>> * <<<Hymes84>>> * <<<Hymes85>>> * <<<HzciogluDouglzsEtZl05>>> * <<<HzhnLzdnerEtZl06>>> * <<<HzinBurgetEtZl07>>> * <<<HzkkzniTurBechetEtZl06>>> * <<<Hzllidzy91>>> * <<<HzllidzyHzszn76>>> * <<<HzllidzyMztthiessen04>>> * <<<HzmzkerZengEtZl98>>> * <<<Hznks00>>> * <<<Hznks05>>> * <<<Hznks84>>> * <<<Hznks85>>> * <<<Hznks86>>> * <<<Hznks87>>> * <<<Hznks88>>> * <<<Hznks89>>> * <<<Hznks90>>> * <<<Hznks92>>> * <<<Hznks93>>> * <<<Hznks96>>> * <<<Hzrris80>>> * <<<Hzrwood05>>> * <<<Hzrwood06>>> * <<<Hzrwood07>>> * <<<Hzstings94>>> * <<<Hzszn91>>> * <<<Hzusser01>>> * <<<Hzusser89>>> * <<<Hzwkins78>>> * <<<Hzyes80>>> * <<<IdePriestDorman96>>> * <<<IdePriestDormzn96>>> * <<<IdeRomary04>>> * <<<IdeRomaryEtAl03>>> * <<<IdeRomzry04>>> * <<<IdeRomzryEtZl03>>> * <<<ImaiSchwartzEtAl97>>> * <<<ImziSchwzrtzEtZl97>>> * <<<Ingram78>>> * <<<Ingrzm78>>> * <<<Irvine96>>> * <<<Isard01>>> * <<<Iszrd01>>> * <<<Iwata03>>> * <<<Iwztz03>>> * <<<JacobsJordanEtAl91>>> * <<<JaimesOmuraEtAl04>>> * <<<Janda85>>> * <<<JaninAngEtAl04>>> * <<<JaninBaronEtAl03>>> * <<<Jarvella71>>> * <<<JiBilmes05>>> * <<<JiangZhai06>>> * <<<JizngZhzi06>>> * <<<Joachims99>>> * <<<Joergensen98>>> * <<<John75>>> * <<<Jones07>>> * <<<JonesWillett97>>> * <<<JordanJacobs94>>> * <<<JordznJzcobs94>>> * <<<Joshi80>>> * <<<JoshiKulick97>>> * <<<Jovanovic07>>> * <<<JovanovicAkker04>>> * <<<JovanovicAkkerEtAl05>>> * <<<JovanovicAkkerEtAl06>>> * <<<Jovznovic07>>> * <<<JovznovicZkker04>>> * <<<JovznovicZkkerEtZl05>>> * <<<JovznovicZkkerEtZl06>>> * <<<Jozchims99>>> * <<<JungKrishnamurthyEtAl96>>> * <<<JungKrishnzmurthyEtZl96>>> * <<<JurafskyBatesEtAl97>>> * <<<JurafskyBatesEtAl98>>> * <<<JurafskyBellEtAl01>>> * <<<JurafskyBellEtAl02>>> * <<<JurafskyMartin07>>> * <<<JurafskyShribergEtAl97>>> * <<<JurafskyShribergEtAl98>>> * <<<JurzfskyBellEtZl01>>> * <<<JurzfskyBellEtZl02>>> * <<<JurzfskyBztesEtZl97>>> * <<<JurzfskyBztesEtZl98>>> * <<<JurzfskyMzrtin07>>> * <<<JurzfskyShribergEtZl97>>> * <<<JurzfskyShribergEtZl98>>> * <<<JzcobsJordznEtZl91>>> * <<<JzimesOmurzEtZl04>>> * <<<Jzndz85>>> * <<<JzninBzronEtZl03>>> * <<<JzninZngEtZl04>>> * <<<Jzrvellz71>>> * <<<Kaiser05>>> * <<<KaiserDemirdjianEtAl04>>> * <<<KaiserOlwalEtAl03>>> * <<<Kamio01>>> * <<<KampReyle93>>> * <<<KampmeierSimon01>>> * <<<Kangasharju02>>> * <<<KaplanZaenen89>>> * <<<Karaiskos05>>> * <<<Karkkainen03>>> * <<<Karttunen76>>> * <<<Kasper90>>> * <<<Katagiri07>>> * <<<KatzenmaierStiefelhagenEtAl04>>> * <<<Kay86>>> * <<<Kay96>>> * <<<KayFillmore99>>> * <<<KazamaTorisawa07>>> * <<<KazamaTorisawa08>>> * <<<KeenanStavi86>>> * <<<KeenanWesterstaahl97>>> * <<<KeenznStzvi86>>> * <<<KeenznWesterstzzhl97>>> * <<<KeizerMorante06>>> * <<<KeizerMorznte06>>> * <<<Kendon90>>> * <<<Kernkamp>>> * <<<Kernkzmp>>> * <<<Kibble97>>> * <<<Kilgarriff07>>> * <<<Kilgarriff97>>> * <<<Kilgzrriff07>>> * <<<Kilgzrriff97>>> * <<<Kimps07>>> * <<<KingTaylorEtAl00>>> * <<<KingTzylorEtZl00>>> * <<<KipperDangEtAl00>>> * <<<KipperDzngEtZl00>>> * <<<Kirchhoff96>>> * <<<Kirschner03>>> * <<<KitagawaLehrer90>>> * <<<KitzgzwzLehrer90>>> * <<<KlabbersVeldhuis98>>> * <<<KlabbersVeldhuisEtAl00>>> * <<<KleinToutanovaEtAl02>>> * <<<KleinToutznovzEtZl02>>> * <<<KlzbbersVeldhuis98>>> * <<<KlzbbersVeldhuisEtZl00>>> * <<<Knight00>>> * <<<Knight96>>> * <<<KnublauchMusenEtAl04>>> * <<<KnublzuchMusenEtZl04>>> * <<<KoDemirdjianEtAl03>>> * <<<KoDemirdjiznEtZl03>>> * <<<KollerStriegnitz01>>> * <<<Konolige97>>> * <<<Korolija98>>> * <<<KorolijaLinell95>>> * <<<KorolijaLinell96>>> * <<<Korolijz98>>> * <<<KorolijzLinell95>>> * <<<KorolijzLinell96>>> * <<<KoumpisRenals05>>> * <<<KoumpisRenzls05>>> * <<<KowtkoIsardEtAl91>>> * <<<KowtkoIszrdEtZl91>>> * <<<KranstedtLuckingEtAl07>>> * <<<KruijffDuchier03>>> * <<<KrznstedtLuckingEtZl07>>> * <<<KullbackLeibler51>>> * <<<KullbzckLeibler51>>> * <<<KunzRittel70>>> * <<<Kuo99>>> * <<<KuppeveltSmith03>>> * <<<Kziser05>>> * <<<KziserDemirdjiznEtZl04>>> * <<<KziserOlwzlEtZl03>>> * <<<Kzmio01>>> * <<<KzmpReyle93>>> * <<<KzmpmeierSimon01>>> * <<<Kzngzshzrju02>>> * <<<KzplznZzenen89>>> * <<<Kzrkkzinen03>>> * <<<Kzrttunen76>>> * <<<Kzrziskos05>>> * <<<Kzsper90>>> * <<<KztzenmzierStiefelhzgenEtZl04>>> * <<<Kztzgiri07>>> * <<<Kzy86>>> * <<<Kzy96>>> * <<<KzyFillmore99>>> * <<<KzzzmzToriszwz07>>> * <<<KzzzmzToriszwz08>>> * <<<Laban04>>> * <<<LabergeSankoff79>>> * <<<Labov01>>> * <<<Labov06>>> * <<<Labov72>>> * <<<Labov81>>> * <<<Labov97>>> * <<<LabovWaletzky67>>> * <<<LadesVorbruggenEtAl93>>> * <<<Lakoff69>>> * <<<Lakoff70>>> * <<<Lakoff72>>> * <<<Lakoff73>>> * <<<LalanneIngoldEtAl>>> * <<<LalanneLisowskaEtAl05>>> * <<<LandKitzinger07>>> * <<<Langkilde02>>> * <<<LangsethNielsen06>>> * <<<Lappin02>>> * <<<Lappin95>>> * <<<LappinLeass94>>> * <<<Larsson00>>> * <<<Larsson02>>> * <<<LarssonBermanEtAl02>>> * <<<LarssonBermanEtAl99>>> * <<<LarssonLjunglofEtAl00>>> * <<<LarssonTraum00>>> * <<<LascaridesAsher06>>> * <<<Laver94>>> * <<<Leech83>>> * <<<LeechSvartvik02>>> * <<<LeechSvzrtvik02>>> * <<<Lehnert80>>> * <<<LeistynaMeyer03>>> * <<<LeistynzMeyer03>>> * <<<LemonBracyEtAl01>>> * <<<LemonBrzcyEtZl01>>> * <<<LemonGruenstein04>>> * <<<LemonGruensteinEtAl02>>> * <<<LemonGruensteinEtAl03>>> * <<<LemonGruensteinEtZl02>>> * <<<LemonGruensteinEtZl03>>> * <<<LemusSeiboldEtAl04>>> * <<<LemusSeiboldEtZl04>>> * <<<Lerner03>>> * <<<Lerner96>>> * <<<LernerKitzinger07>>> * <<<LernerTakagi99>>> * <<<LernerTzkzgi99>>> * <<<Leveson00>>> * <<<LevesqueReiterEtAl97>>> * <<<LevesqueReiterEtZl97>>> * <<<LevinPieracciniEtAl00>>> * <<<LevinPierzcciniEtZl00>>> * <<<LevineFedder89>>> * <<<Levinson02>>> * <<<Levinson03>>> * <<<Levinson05>>> * <<<Levinson07>>> * <<<Levinson79>>> * <<<Levinson83>>> * <<<Levinson88>>> * <<<Levinson95>>> * <<<Levinson96>>> * <<<Levinson98>>> * <<<LevinsonBrown94>>> * <<<LevinsonFallside95>>> * <<<LevinsonFzllside95>>> * <<<LewinPulman95>>> * <<<LewinPulmzn95>>> * <<<LewisSparck96>>> * <<<LewisSpzrck96>>> * <<<LiWredeEtAl06>>> * <<<LiWredeEtZl06>>> * <<<LibermanMattingly85>>> * <<<LibermznMzttingly85>>> * <<<Licklider79>>> * <<<Lighthill52>>> * <<<Lighthill54>>> * <<<LinWilsonEtAl06>>> * <<<LinWilsonEtZl06>>> * <<<LindeGoguen80>>> * <<<LindeLabov75>>> * <<<LindeLzbov75>>> * <<<Linell05>>> * <<<Linell06>>> * <<<Linell98>>> * <<<LinellKorolija97>>> * <<<LinellKorolijz97>>> * <<<Linguistic02>>> * <<<Linguistic04>>> * <<<Linguistic05>>> * <<<Linguistic06>>> * <<<Linguistic08>>> * <<<Lisowska03>>> * <<<LisowskaPopescuBelisEtAl04>>> * <<<Lisowskz03>>> * <<<LisowskzPopescuBelisEtZl04>>> * <<<LitmanAllen87>>> * <<<LitmanPassonneau93>>> * <<<LitmznPzssonnezu93>>> * <<<LitmznZllen87>>> * <<<Liu06>>> * <<<LiuLiu07>>> * <<<LiuShribergEtAl05>>> * <<<LiuShribergEtZl05>>> * <<<Lochbaum94>>> * <<<Lochbaum98>>> * <<<Lochbzum94>>> * <<<Lochbzum98>>> * <<<LockeltBeckerEtAl02>>> * <<<LockeltBeckerEtZl02>>> * <<<LombardoSturt02>>> * <<<LombardoSturt97>>> * <<<LombzrdoSturt02>>> * <<<LombzrdoSturt97>>> * <<<Lu06>>> * <<<LuckingRieserEtAl06>>> * <<<LuckingRieserEtZl06>>> * <<<Lucy93>>> * <<<LudlowNeale91>>> * <<<LudlowNezle91>>> * <<<LudlowSegal04>>> * <<<LudlowSegzl04>>> * <<<Ludwig01>>> * <<<LuffGilbertEtAl90>>> * <<<LuffGilbertEtZl90>>> * <<<LungoBonelli04>>> * <<<LyonShamma95>>> * <<<LyonShzmmz95>>> * <<<Lyons68>>> * <<<Lyons77>>> * <<<LzbergeSznkoff79>>> * <<<Lzbov01>>> * <<<Lzbov06>>> * <<<Lzbov72>>> * <<<Lzbov81>>> * <<<Lzbov97>>> * <<<LzbovWzletzky67>>> * <<<Lzbzn04>>> * <<<LzdesVorbruggenEtZl93>>> * <<<Lzkoff69>>> * <<<Lzkoff70>>> * <<<Lzkoff72>>> * <<<Lzkoff73>>> * <<<LzlznneIngoldEtZl>>> * <<<LzlznneLisowskzEtZl05>>> * <<<LzndKitzinger07>>> * <<<Lzngkilde02>>> * <<<LzngsethNielsen06>>> * <<<Lzppin02>>> * <<<Lzppin95>>> * <<<LzppinLezss94>>> * <<<Lzrsson00>>> * <<<Lzrsson02>>> * <<<LzrssonBermznEtZl02>>> * <<<LzrssonBermznEtZl99>>> * <<<LzrssonLjunglofEtZl00>>> * <<<LzrssonTrzum00>>> * <<<LzsczridesZsher06>>> * <<<Lzver94>>> * <<<MacWhinney00>>> * <<<MaciaCerveraEtAl05>>> * <<<MacleodGrishmanEtAl98>>> * <<<MacmillanCreelman91>>> * <<<Macoubrie03>>> * <<<Macura02>>> * <<<MaedaBirdEtAl02>>> * <<<MalioutovBarzilay06>>> * <<<Malone97>>> * <<<Malsburg81>>> * <<<MannThompson88>>> * <<<MannThompson92>>> * <<<MarchWalesEtAl6>>> * <<<MarchandMaillet03>>> * <<<Marcu99>>> * <<<Marcus87>>> * <<<MarcusKimEtAl94>>> * <<<MarcusMarcinkiewiczEtAl93>>> * <<<MarkelJr76>>> * <<<MarkovaGraumannEtAl96>>> * <<<MaskeyHirschberg03>>> * <<<MaskeyHirschberg06>>> * <<<MathesonPoesioEtAl00>>> * <<<MatsusakaEnomotoEtAl07>>> * <<<McCawley76>>> * <<<McCawley87>>> * <<<McCowanBengioEtAl03>>> * <<<McCowanCarlettaEtAl05>>> * <<<McCowanGaticaPerezEtAl05>>> * <<<McCowznBengioEtZl03>>> * <<<McCowznCzrlettzEtZl05>>> * <<<McCowznGzticzPerezEtZl05>>> * <<<McCzwley76>>> * <<<McCzwley87>>> * <<<McKeoughDavisEtAl05>>> * <<<McKeoughDzvisEtZl05>>> * <<<McKeownHirschbergEtAl05>>> * <<<McKeownHirschbergEtZl05>>> * <<<McLachlan91>>> * <<<McLzchlzn91>>> * <<<Mehler01>>> * <<<Mey93>>> * <<<MeyerViol95>>> * <<<Meyers90>>> * <<<MeyersBrashers98>>> * <<<MeyersBrzshers98>>> * <<<MeyersReevesEtAl04>>> * <<<MeyersReevesEtZl04>>> * <<<Mieroop05>>> * <<<Mieroop07>>> * <<<MieskesStrube06>>> * <<<MieskesStrube08>>> * <<<Mikheev97>>> * <<<Miller95>>> * <<<MillerBoisenEtAl00>>> * <<<MillerBoisenEtZl00>>> * <<<MillerSchwartzEtAl99>>> * <<<MillerSchwzrtzEtZl99>>> * <<<Millikan04>>> * <<<Millikzn04>>> * <<<MillsHealey06>>> * <<<MillsHezley06>>> * <<<Milward00>>> * <<<Milward94>>> * <<<Milward99>>> * <<<Milwzrd00>>> * <<<Milwzrd94>>> * <<<Milwzrd99>>> * <<<MinkovWangEtAl05>>> * <<<MinkovWangEtAl06>>> * <<<MinkovWzngEtZl05>>> * <<<MinkovWzngEtZl06>>> * <<<MirkovicCavedon05>>> * <<<MirkovicCzvedon05>>> * <<<Mitchell97>>> * <<<MollaCassidyEtAl07>>> * <<<MollaEtAl07>>> * <<<Moller93>>> * <<<MollzCzssidyEtZl07>>> * <<<MollzEtZl07>>> * <<<MonodMilinie93>>> * <<<Montague74>>> * <<<Montzgue74>>> * <<<Moore02>>> * <<<Moore6>>> * <<<Moore93>>> * <<<Moore95>>> * <<<MooreCohenEtAl94>>> * <<<MooreCohenEtZl94>>> * <<<MoorePollack92>>> * <<<MoorePollzck92>>> * <<<MooreWiemerHastings03>>> * <<<MooreWiemerHzstings03>>> * <<<Morford97>>> * <<<Morgan02>>> * <<<MorganChangEtAl06>>> * <<<Morgzn02>>> * <<<MorgznChzngEtZl06>>> * <<<MorissetteSoukaseneEtAl03>>> * <<<MorissetteSoukzseneEtZl03>>> * <<<MoserMoore96>>> * <<<MostellerWallace64>>> * <<<MostellerWzllzce64>>> * <<<MoxeySanford87>>> * <<<MoxeySznford87>>> * <<<MuhlhauslerHarre90>>> * <<<MuhlhzuslerHzrre90>>> * <<<Muller06>>> * <<<Muller07>>> * <<<MullerMieskesEtAl08>>> * <<<MullerMieskesEtZl08>>> * <<<MullerStrube03>>> * <<<MurrayRenalsEtAl05>>> * <<<MurrayRenalsEtAl06>>> * <<<MurrzyRenzlsEtZl05>>> * <<<MurrzyRenzlsEtZl06>>> * <<<Myers89>>> * <<<Myers96>>> * <<<MzcWhinney00>>> * <<<MzcizCerverzEtZl05>>> * <<<MzcleodGrishmznEtZl98>>> * <<<MzcmillznCreelmzn91>>> * <<<Mzcoubrie03>>> * <<<Mzcurz02>>> * <<<MzedzBirdEtZl02>>> * <<<MzlioutovBzrzilzy06>>> * <<<Mzlone97>>> * <<<Mzlsburg81>>> * <<<MznnThompson88>>> * <<<MznnThompson92>>> * <<<MzrchWzlesEtZl6>>> * <<<MzrchzndMzillet03>>> * <<<Mzrcu99>>> * <<<Mzrcus87>>> * <<<MzrcusKimEtZl94>>> * <<<MzrcusMzrcinkiewiczEtZl93>>> * <<<MzrkelJr76>>> * <<<MzrkovzGrzumznnEtZl96>>> * <<<MzskeyHirschberg03>>> * <<<MzskeyHirschberg06>>> * <<<MzthesonPoesioEtZl00>>> * <<<MztsuszkzEnomotoEtZl07>>> * <<<NIST00>>> * <<<NIST03>>> * <<<NIST04>>> * <<<NIST05>>> * <<<NIST07>>> * <<<NIST08>>> * <<<NakataniHirschbergEtAl95>>> * <<<NapoliKegl91>>> * <<<Neelamkavil87>>> * <<<Neelzmkzvil87>>> * <<<NegroniMenendezEtAl01>>> * <<<NegroniMenendezEtZl01>>> * <<<Neumann94>>> * <<<Neumann98>>> * <<<NeumannNoord94>>> * <<<Neumznn94>>> * <<<Neumznn98>>> * <<<NeumznnNoord94>>> * <<<Nevile04>>> * <<<Newmeyer03>>> * <<<NiedermanVolkema99>>> * <<<NiedermznVolkemz99>>> * <<<Niekrasz99>>> * <<<NiekraszGruenstein06>>> * <<<NiekraszGruensteinEtAl04>>> * <<<NiekraszPurver>>> * <<<NiekraszPurverEtAl05>>> * <<<Niekrzsz99>>> * <<<NiekrzszGruenstein06>>> * <<<NiekrzszGruensteinEtZl04>>> * <<<NiekrzszPurver>>> * <<<NiekrzszPurverEtZl05>>> * <<<NigamLaffertyEtAl99>>> * <<<NigzmLzffertyEtZl99>>> * <<<NijholtRienksEtAlIP>>> * <<<NijholtRienksEtZlIP>>> * <<<Nishida07>>> * <<<Nishidz07>>> * <<<NissimDingareEtAl04>>> * <<<NissimDingzreEtZl04>>> * <<<Noh01>>> * <<<Noh98>>> * <<<Noll80>>> * <<<NoordBoumaEtAl99>>> * <<<NoordBoumzEtZl99>>> * <<<NorenLinell07>>> * <<<Nouwen02>>> * <<<Nouwen03>>> * <<<NovelloSchimpfEtAl02>>> * <<<NovelloSchimpfEtZl02>>> * <<<Nunberg93>>> * <<<Nuyts01>>> * <<<Nuyts92>>> * <<<NzkztzniHirschbergEtZl95>>> * <<<NzpoliKegl91>>> * <<<OConnellKowalEtAl90>>> * <<<OConnellKowzlEtZl90>>> * <<<OchsCapps96>>> * <<<OchsCzpps96>>> * <<<OchsGonzalesEtAl96>>> * <<<OchsGonzzlesEtZl96>>> * <<<OchsSchegloffEtAl96>>> * <<<OchsSchegloffEtZl96>>> * <<<Oh05>>> * <<<Oh06>>> * <<<Oh07>>> * <<<OlneyCai05>>> * <<<OlneyCzi05>>> * <<<OnoThompson03>>> * <<<Orr92>>> * <<<OstendorfShribergEtAl05>>> * <<<OstendorfShribergEtZl05>>> * <<<Oviatt00>>> * <<<Oviztt00>>> * <<<OysermanCoonEtAl02>>> * <<<OysermznCoonEtZl02>>> * <<<PALACAS3>>> * <<<PZLZCZS3>>> * <<<PallottaGhorbelEtAl04>>> * <<<PallottaNiekraszEtAl05>>> * <<<PallottaSeretanEtAl06>>> * <<<Palmer01>>> * <<<Palmer90>>> * <<<Parr00>>> * <<<Passonneau97>>> * <<<PassonneauLitman97>>> * <<<PatilRybskiEtAl04>>> * <<<PattersonLiaoEtAl03>>> * <<<PaulstonTucker03>>> * <<<Pedersen95>>> * <<<PedersonDanzigerEtAl98>>> * <<<PedersonDznzigerEtZl98>>> * <<<Pekarek98>>> * <<<Pekzrek98>>> * <<<Pelletier03>>> * <<<PerdueDovidioEtAl90>>> * <<<PerdueDovidioEtZl90>>> * <<<Perkins83>>> * <<<PerkowitzPhiliposeEtAl04>>> * <<<PerkowitzPhiliposeEtZl04>>> * <<<Perrino05>>> * <<<Perry02>>> * <<<Perry06>>> * <<<PeryWoodleyScott06>>> * <<<PevznerHearst02>>> * <<<PevznerHezrst02>>> * <<<PickeringCrockerEtAl00>>> * <<<PickeringCrockerEtZl00>>> * <<<PickeringGarrod04>>> * <<<PickeringGzrrod04>>> * <<<Pierce69>>> * <<<PinkerNowakEtAl08>>> * <<<PinkerNowzkEtZl08>>> * <<<PiolatOliveEtAl05>>> * <<<PiolztOliveEtZl05>>> * <<<PlautNowlanEtAl86>>> * <<<PlzutNowlznEtZl86>>> * <<<Poesio00>>> * <<<Poesio04>>> * <<<Poesio94>>> * <<<Poesio96>>> * <<<PoesioArtstein08>>> * <<<PoesioBruneseauxEtAl99>>> * <<<PoesioBrunesezuxEtZl99>>> * <<<PoesioDelmonteEtAl04>>> * <<<PoesioDelmonteEtZl04>>> * <<<PoesioKabadjov04>>> * <<<PoesioKzbzdjov04>>> * <<<PoesioRieser03>>> * <<<PoesioSturtEtAl06>>> * <<<PoesioSturtEtZl06>>> * <<<PoesioTraum97>>> * <<<PoesioTraum98>>> * <<<PoesioTrzum97>>> * <<<PoesioTrzum98>>> * <<<PoesioZrtstein08>>> * <<<Polanyi82>>> * <<<Polanyi85>>> * <<<Polanyi86>>> * <<<Polanyi88>>> * <<<Polanyi96>>> * <<<PolanyiScha83>>> * <<<PolanyiScha84>>> * <<<PolanyiZaenen06>>> * <<<Pollack92>>> * <<<PollardSag94>>> * <<<Pollzck92>>> * <<<PollzrdSzg94>>> * <<<Polznyi82>>> * <<<Polznyi85>>> * <<<Polznyi86>>> * <<<Polznyi88>>> * <<<Polznyi96>>> * <<<PolznyiSchz83>>> * <<<PolznyiSchz84>>> * <<<PolznyiZzenen06>>> * <<<PooleHollingsheadEtAl04>>> * <<<PooleHollingshezdEtZl04>>> * <<<PopescuBelis05>>> * <<<PopescuBelisClarkEtAl>>> * <<<PopescuBelisClzrkEtZl>>> * <<<PopescuBelisRenalsEtAl08>>> * <<<PopescuBelisRenzlsEtZl08>>> * <<<PopescuBelisStiefelhagen08>>> * <<<PopescuBelisStiefelhzgen08>>> * <<<Porter97>>> * <<<PostEllingEtAl07>>> * <<<PostEllingEtZl07>>> * <<<Potter06>>> * <<<Poveda04>>> * <<<Povedz04>>> * <<<PradhanHovyEtAl07>>> * <<<Precht00>>> * <<<Prince92>>> * <<<PrzdhznHovyEtZl07>>> * <<<PrzybockiFiscusEtAl99>>> * <<<PrzybockiFiscusEtZl99>>> * <<<Psathas79>>> * <<<Pszthzs79>>> * <<<Pulman97>>> * <<<Pulmzn97>>> * <<<Purver00>>> * <<<Purver01>>> * <<<Purver02>>> * <<<Purver04>>> * <<<Purver06>>> * <<<PurverDowdingEtAl07>>> * <<<PurverDowdingEtZl07>>> * <<<PurverEhlenEtAl06>>> * <<<PurverEhlenEtAl>>> * <<<PurverEhlenEtZl06>>> * <<<PurverEhlenEtZl>>> * <<<PurverFernandez03>>> * <<<PurverFernzndez03>>> * <<<PurverKordingEtAl06>>> * <<<PurverKordingEtZl06>>> * <<<PurverNiekraszEtAl05>>> * <<<PurverNiekraszEtAl>>> * <<<PurverNiekrzszEtZl05>>> * <<<PurverNiekrzszEtZl>>> * <<<PurverOtsuka03>>> * <<<PurverOtsukz03>>> * <<<Pustejovsky98>>> * <<<Pylyshyn0>>> * <<<PzllottzGhorbelEtZl04>>> * <<<PzllottzNiekrzszEtZl05>>> * <<<PzllottzSeretznEtZl06>>> * <<<Pzlmer01>>> * <<<Pzlmer90>>> * <<<Pzrr00>>> * <<<Pzssonnezu97>>> * <<<PzssonnezuLitmzn97>>> * <<<PztilRybskiEtZl04>>> * <<<PzttersonLizoEtZl03>>> * <<<PzulstonTucker03>>> * <<<Quek04>>> * <<<QuekMcNeillEtAl02>>> * <<<QuekMcNeillEtZl02>>> * <<<QuirkGreenbaumEtAl85>>> * <<<QuirkGreenbzumEtZl85>>> * <<<RadevPragerEtAl00>>> * <<<RaghavanAllan04>>> * <<<RaghavanAllan05>>> * <<<RapaportSegalEtAl89>>> * <<<RapaportShapiro95>>> * <<<Ratnaparkhi96>>> * <<<Raudaskoski99>>> * <<<RaynerCarterEtAl94>>> * <<<RaynerHockeyEtAl00>>> * <<<RaynerLewinEtAl01>>> * <<<Reed06>>> * <<<Reed93>>> * <<<ReedRowe04>>> * <<<ReevesNass96>>> * <<<ReevesNzss96>>> * <<<Reichman78>>> * <<<Reichmzn78>>> * <<<ReidsmaHofsEtAl05>>> * <<<ReidsmaRienksEtAl05>>> * <<<ReidsmzHofsEtZl05>>> * <<<ReidsmzRienksEtZl05>>> * <<<ReimerBezuidenhout04>>> * <<<Reinhart97>>> * <<<Reinhzrt97>>> * <<<Reiter07>>> * <<<ReiterRigoll04>>> * <<<RenalsBengio06>>> * <<<RenalsBengioEtAl07>>> * <<<RenzlsBengio06>>> * <<<RenzlsBengioEtZl07>>> * <<<ResnickLevineEtAl91>>> * <<<ResnickLevineEtZl91>>> * <<<Reyle96>>> * <<<Reynar99>>> * <<<Reynzr99>>> * <<<RichSidnerEtAl01>>> * <<<RichSidnerEtZl01>>> * <<<RichardsBridle99>>> * <<<RichardsonDomingos06>>> * <<<Richmond01>>> * <<<Richmond99>>> * <<<Richter00>>> * <<<RichterSailer99>>> * <<<RichterSziler99>>> * <<<RichzrdsBridle99>>> * <<<RichzrdsonDomingos06>>> * <<<RickelLeshEtAl02>>> * <<<RickelLeshEtZl02>>> * <<<RickheitHabel99>>> * <<<RickheitHzbel99>>> * <<<Ricoeur74>>> * <<<RienksHeylen05>>> * <<<RienksHeylen>>> * <<<RienksZhangEtAl06>>> * <<<RienksZhzngEtZl06>>> * <<<Ries01>>> * <<<RieserMoore05>>> * <<<Riessman02>>> * <<<Riessmzn02>>> * <<<RiloffWiebeEtAl03>>> * <<<RiloffWiebeEtZl03>>> * <<<Roberts02>>> * <<<RobinsonCookEtAl00>>> * <<<RobinsonCookEtZl00>>> * <<<RodriguezSchlangen04>>> * <<<RodriguezSchlzngen04>>> * <<<RomanoNunamaker01>>> * <<<RomdenhRomluc8>>> * <<<Rommetveit83>>> * <<<RomznoNunzmzker01>>> * <<<Rooy00>>> * <<<Rose97>>> * <<<RoseSchroeterEtAl94>>> * <<<RoseSchroeterEtZl94>>> * <<<RosenbergHirschberg06>>> * <<<Rosenschein04>>> * <<<Rounds87>>> * <<<Roweis99>>> * <<<RoyPineauEtAl00>>> * <<<RoyPinezuEtZl00>>> * <<<Rubin07>>> * <<<RuddarrajuHaroEtAl03>>> * <<<RuddzrrzjuHzroEtZl03>>> * <<<Russell01>>> * <<<Russell05>>> * <<<Russell06>>> * <<<Russell10>>> * <<<Russell11>>> * <<<Russell12>>> * <<<Russell19>>> * <<<Russell22>>> * <<<Russell26>>> * <<<Russell27>>> * <<<Russell35>>> * <<<Russell37>>> * <<<Russell39>>> * <<<Russell48>>> * <<<Russell51>>> * <<<Russell53>>> * <<<Russell57>>> * <<<Russell58>>> * <<<Russell60>>> * <<<Russell93>>> * <<<RybskiBanerjeeEtAl04>>> * <<<RybskiBznerjeeEtZl04>>> * <<<RybskiTorreEtAl04>>> * <<<RybskiTorreEtZl04>>> * <<<RzdevPrzgerEtZl00>>> * <<<RzghzvznZllzn04>>> * <<<RzghzvznZllzn05>>> * <<<RzpzportSegzlEtZl89>>> * <<<RzpzportShzpiro95>>> * <<<Rztnzpzrkhi96>>> * <<<Rzudzskoski99>>> * <<<RzynerCzrterEtZl94>>> * <<<RzynerHockeyEtZl00>>> * <<<RzynerLewinEtZl01>>> * <<<Sacks92>>> * <<<SacksSchegloff79>>> * <<<SacksSchegloffEtAl74>>> * <<<Sadek91>>> * <<<SaffiottiKonoligeEtAl95>>> * <<<SagWasow99>>> * <<<Salton89>>> * <<<SampsonMcCarthy04>>> * <<<SanSegundoMonteroEtAl01>>> * <<<Sandt92>>> * <<<Sawyer97>>> * <<<Sbisa01>>> * <<<Sbisz01>>> * <<<SchaPolanyi88>>> * <<<Schegloff00>>> * <<<Schegloff07>>> * <<<Schegloff68>>> * <<<Schegloff72>>> * <<<Schegloff79>>> * <<<Schegloff80>>> * <<<Schegloff87>>> * <<<Schegloff88>>> * <<<Schegloff90>>> * <<<Schegloff91>>> * <<<Schegloff92>>> * <<<Schegloff95>>> * <<<Schegloff96>>> * <<<Schegloff97>>> * <<<SchegloffJeffersonEtAl77>>> * <<<SchegloffJeffersonEtZl77>>> * <<<Schenkein78>>> * <<<SchieffelinOchs86>>> * <<<Schiffrin03>>> * <<<Schiffrin77>>> * <<<Schiffrin80>>> * <<<Schiffrin81>>> * <<<Schiffrin84>>> * <<<Schiffrin85>>> * <<<Schiffrin86>>> * <<<Schiffrin87>>> * <<<Schiffrin90>>> * <<<Schiffrin92>>> * <<<Schiffrin94>>> * <<<Schiffrin96>>> * <<<Schiffrin97>>> * <<<Schlangen03>>> * <<<Schlangen04>>> * <<<Schlangen05>>> * <<<Schlangen06>>> * <<<SchlangenLascarides02>>> * <<<SchlangenLascarides03>>> * <<<Schlzngen03>>> * <<<Schlzngen04>>> * <<<Schlzngen05>>> * <<<Schlzngen06>>> * <<<SchlzngenLzsczrides02>>> * <<<SchlzngenLzsczrides03>>> * <<<SchmidtSridrahanEtAl78>>> * <<<SchmidtSridrzhznEtZl78>>> * <<<SchoberBrennan03>>> * <<<SchoberBrennzn03>>> * <<<SchoberClark89>>> * <<<SchoberClzrk89>>> * <<<ScholkopfBurgesEtAl99>>> * <<<ScholkopfBurgesEtZl99>>> * <<<Schuster99>>> * <<<SchzPolznyi88>>> * <<<Searle69>>> * <<<Searle76>>> * <<<Searle90>>> * <<<Searle92>>> * <<<Searle95>>> * <<<Sebeok60>>> * <<<SedikidesBrewer00>>> * <<<SegalMillerEtAl97>>> * <<<SegzlMillerEtZl97>>> * <<<Selting96>>> * <<<SelvinSierhuis99>>> * <<<SeneffPolifroni00>>> * <<<Sezrle69>>> * <<<Sezrle76>>> * <<<Sezrle90>>> * <<<Sezrle92>>> * <<<Sezrle95>>> * <<<ShanahanQuEtAl06>>> * <<<ShapiroRapaport95>>> * <<<ShiMihalcea05>>> * <<<ShiMihzlcez05>>> * <<<Shieber88>>> * <<<Shieber93>>> * <<<ShieberPereiraEtAl96>>> * <<<ShieberPereirzEtZl96>>> * <<<Shinzato04>>> * <<<Shinzzto04>>> * <<<Shneiderman80>>> * <<<Shneidermzn80>>> * <<<Shriberg05>>> * <<<ShribergBatesEtAl98>>> * <<<ShribergBztesEtZl98>>> * <<<ShribergDhillonEtAl04>>> * <<<ShribergDhillonEtZl04>>> * <<<ShumSlackEtAl06>>> * <<<ShumSlzckEtZl06>>> * <<<ShznzhznQuEtZl06>>> * <<<ShzpiroRzpzport95>>> * <<<SiegelN88>>> * <<<SietsmaDow91>>> * <<<SietsmzDow91>>> * <<<Silverstein03>>> * <<<Silverstein05>>> * <<<Silverstein76>>> * <<<Silverstein96>>> * <<<Silverstein97>>> * <<<SilversteinUrban96>>> * <<<SilversteinUrbzn96>>> * <<<Simon04>>> * <<<Simon97>>> * <<<SimonWiese02>>> * <<<SlaneyLyon90>>> * <<<SlzneyLyon90>>> * <<<SmedtKempen90>>> * <<<SmetVerstraete06>>> * <<<SmetVerstrzete06>>> * <<<Smith80>>> * <<<SmithBrogaard01>>> * <<<SmithBrogzzrd01>>> * <<<SmortiMcKeoughEtAl07>>> * <<<SmortiMcKeoughEtZl07>>> * <<<Sokolova06>>> * <<<Sokolovz06>>> * <<<SomasundaranWilsonEtAl07>>> * <<<SomzsundzrznWilsonEtZl07>>> * <<<SonntagRomanelli06>>> * <<<SonntzgRomznelli06>>> * <<<Sparck05>>> * <<<Sparck72>>> * <<<SparckBoguraev87>>> * <<<SpearsOakesEtAl97>>> * <<<Spenader01>>> * <<<SpencerOatey07>>> * <<<SpencerOztey07>>> * <<<Spenzder01>>> * <<<SperberWilson86>>> * <<<SpezrsOzkesEtZl97>>> * <<<Spzrck05>>> * <<<Spzrck72>>> * <<<SpzrckBogurzev87>>> * <<<SrihariLi00>>> * <<<SrihzriLi00>>> * <<<SrinivasanMassaro03>>> * <<<SrinivzsznMzsszro03>>> * <<<Stasser88>>> * <<<StasserTaylor91>>> * <<<StasserTitus03>>> * <<<StasserTitus87>>> * <<<StasserVaughanEtAl00>>> * <<<Steedman08>>> * <<<Steedmzn08>>> * <<<Stenstrom84>>> * <<<Stent01>>> * <<<Stephenson98>>> * <<<Stevens93>>> * <<<Stewart03>>> * <<<Stewzrt03>>> * <<<Stiefelhagen02>>> * <<<StiefelhagenYangEtAl02>>> * <<<Stiefelhzgen02>>> * <<<StiefelhzgenYzngEtZl02>>> * <<<StokoeEdwards06>>> * <<<StokoeEdwzrds06>>> * <<<Stolcke05>>> * <<<StolckeAngueraEtAl05>>> * <<<StolckeRiesEtAl00>>> * <<<StolckeRiesEtZl00>>> * <<<StolckeZnguerzEtZl05>>> * <<<Stone03>>> * <<<Stone98>>> * <<<Strawson50>>> * <<<StrikBoves88>>> * <<<StrubeMuller03>>> * <<<Strzalkowski92>>> * <<<Strzalkowski97>>> * <<<Strzalkowski99>>> * <<<Strzwson50>>> * <<<Strzzlkowski92>>> * <<<Strzzlkowski97>>> * <<<Strzzlkowski99>>> * <<<SturmOsEtAl99>>> * <<<SturmOsEtZl99>>> * <<<Stzsser88>>> * <<<StzsserTitus03>>> * <<<StzsserTitus87>>> * <<<StzsserTzylor91>>> * <<<StzsserVzughznEtZl00>>> * <<<Sudnow72>>> * <<<Sundberg87>>> * <<<Swart98>>> * <<<SwertsOstendorf97>>> * <<<Swift05>>> * <<<Swzrt98>>> * <<<Szabolcsi97>>> * <<<Szcks92>>> * <<<SzcksSchegloff79>>> * <<<SzcksSchegloffEtZl74>>> * <<<Szdek91>>> * <<<SzffiottiKonoligeEtZl95>>> * <<<SzgWzsow99>>> * <<<Szlton89>>> * <<<SzmpsonMcCzrthy04>>> * <<<SznSegundoMonteroEtZl01>>> * <<<Szndt92>>> * <<<Szwyer97>>> * <<<Szzbolcsi97>>> * <<<TUROFF80>>> * <<<Taboada04>>> * <<<TaboadaMann06>>> * <<<TakuboKinsui7>>> * <<<TakuboKinsui97>>> * <<<TanenhausSpiveyKnowltonEtAl00>>> * <<<TangJohn99>>> * <<<Tannen80>>> * <<<Tannen81>>> * <<<Tannen82>>> * <<<Tannen84>>> * <<<TaylorDube86>>> * <<<TaylorKingEtAl97>>> * <<<Thomas80>>> * <<<Thomas95>>> * <<<Thomason74>>> * <<<Thompson98>>> * <<<ThompsonCouperKuhlen05>>> * <<<ThompsonDozier99>>> * <<<ThompsonVenturiEtAl08>>> * <<<ThompsonVenturiEtZl08>>> * <<<Thomzs80>>> * <<<Thomzs95>>> * <<<Thomzson74>>> * <<<TohYangEtAl06>>> * <<<TohYzngEtZl06>>> * <<<TorreVallespiEtAl05>>> * <<<TorreVzllespiEtZl05>>> * <<<Toulmin03>>> * <<<Tranter06>>> * <<<Traum03>>> * <<<Traum04>>> * <<<Traum94>>> * <<<TraumAllen94>>> * <<<TraumBosEtAl99>>> * <<<TraumFleischmanEtAl03>>> * <<<TraumHinkelman92>>> * <<<TraumLarsson03>>> * <<<TraumNakatani99>>> * <<<Trillo97>>> * <<<Trosborg95>>> * <<<Trznter06>>> * <<<Trzum03>>> * <<<Trzum04>>> * <<<Trzum94>>> * <<<TrzumBosEtZl99>>> * <<<TrzumFleischmznEtZl03>>> * <<<TrzumHinkelmzn92>>> * <<<TrzumLzrsson03>>> * <<<TrzumNzkztzni99>>> * <<<TrzumZllen94>>> * <<<TuckerWhittaker05>>> * <<<TuckerWhittaker>>> * <<<TuckerWhittakerEtAl05>>> * <<<TuckerWhittzker05>>> * <<<TuckerWhittzker>>> * <<<TuckerWhittzkerEtZl05>>> * <<<TurHakkaniTurEtAl01>>> * <<<TurHzkkzniTurEtZl01>>> * <<<TurWrightEtAl02>>> * <<<TurWrightEtZl02>>> * <<<Turing50>>> * <<<Turk07>>> * <<<TylerMarslenWilson77>>> * <<<TylerMzrslenWilson77>>> * <<<Tzbozdz04>>> * <<<TzbozdzMznn06>>> * <<<TzkuboKinsui7>>> * <<<TzkuboKinsui97>>> * <<<TznenhzusSpiveyKnowltonEtZl00>>> * <<<TzngJohn99>>> * <<<Tznnen80>>> * <<<Tznnen81>>> * <<<Tznnen82>>> * <<<Tznnen84>>> * <<<TzylorDube86>>> * <<<TzylorKingEtZl97>>> * <<<Vandelanotte04>>> * <<<Vapnik95>>> * <<<Vapnik98>>> * <<<Varges02>>> * <<<Varges05>>> * <<<VargesMellish01>>> * <<<VenkataramanFerrerEtAl03>>> * <<<VenkztzrzmznFerrerEtZl03>>> * <<<VerbreeRienksEtAl06>>> * <<<VerbreeRienksEtZl06>>> * <<<Versley06>>> * <<<Verstraete01>>> * <<<Verstrzete01>>> * <<<Viana02>>> * <<<VilainSuEtAl07>>> * <<<VilzinSuEtZl07>>> * <<<Viznz02>>> * <<<Vladimirou06>>> * <<<Vlzdimirou06>>> * <<<VolkemaNiederman95>>> * <<<VolkemzNiedermzn95>>> * <<<Vossen97>>> * <<<Vzndelznotte04>>> * <<<Vzpnik95>>> * <<<Vzpnik98>>> * <<<Vzrges02>>> * <<<Vzrges05>>> * <<<VzrgesMellish01>>> * <<<Wahlster02>>> * <<<WahlsterMarburgerEtAl83>>> * <<<WaibelBettEtAl01>>> * <<<Wales96>>> * <<<Walker00>>> * <<<Walker98>>> * <<<WalkerJoshiEtAl98>>> * <<<WalkerMoore97>>> * <<<WalkerPassonneau01>>> * <<<WalkerPassonneauEtAl01>>> * <<<WalkerWrightEtAl00>>> * <<<WallaceNovelloEtAl97>>> * <<<WatanabeAsaharaEtAl07>>> * <<<Watson07>>> * <<<Watson87>>> * <<<WebbHeppleEtAl05>>> * <<<WebbHeppleEtZl05>>> * <<<Webber07>>> * <<<Webber79>>> * <<<Webber80>>> * <<<WebberKnottEtAl99>>> * <<<WebberKnottEtZl99>>> * <<<WebberStoneEtAl03>>> * <<<WebberStoneEtZl03>>> * <<<WelchBishop95>>> * <<<WellinsByhamEtAl94>>> * <<<WellinsByhzmEtZl94>>> * <<<WellnerFlynnEtAl05>>> * <<<WellnerFlynnEtZl05>>> * <<<WengCavedonEtAl04>>> * <<<WengCzvedonEtZl04>>> * <<<WengJinEtAl01>>> * <<<WengJinEtZl01>>> * <<<WengVargesEtAl06>>> * <<<WengVzrgesEtZl06>>> * <<<WengYanEtAl07>>> * <<<WengYznEtZl07>>> * <<<Werbos88>>> * <<<White03>>> * <<<WhitelockWoodEtAl87>>> * <<<WhitelockWoodEtZl87>>> * <<<WhittakerLabanEtAl>>> * <<<WhittzkerLzbznEtZl>>> * <<<Wiebe94>>> * <<<WiebeBreckEtAl03>>> * <<<WiebeBreckEtZl03>>> * <<<WiebeBruceEtAl01>>> * <<<WiebeBruceEtZl01>>> * <<<WiebeWilson02>>> * <<<WiebeWilsonEtAl01>>> * <<<WiebeWilsonEtAl04>>> * <<<WiebeWilsonEtAl05>>> * <<<WiebeWilsonEtZl01>>> * <<<WiebeWilsonEtZl04>>> * <<<WiebeWilsonEtZl05>>> * <<<Wilkinson91>>> * <<<Wilks00>>> * <<<WilksBien84>>> * <<<Wilson08>>> * <<<Wilson90>>> * <<<WilsonHoffmannEtAl05>>> * <<<WilsonHoffmznnEtZl05>>> * <<<WilsonPierceEtAl05>>> * <<<WilsonPierceEtZl05>>> * <<<WilsonWiebe03>>> * <<<WilsonWiebe05>>> * <<<WilsonWiebeEtAl04>>> * <<<WilsonWiebeEtAl05>>> * <<<WilsonWiebeEtZl04>>> * <<<WilsonWiebeEtZl05>>> * <<<Winograd72>>> * <<<Winogrzd72>>> * <<<WittenFrank05>>> * <<<WittenFrznk05>>> * <<<Wittgenstein94>>> * <<<WoodlandJohnsonEtAl00>>> * <<<WoodlzndJohnsonEtZl00>>> * <<<Woolard08>>> * <<<WooldridgeRao99>>> * <<<WooldridgeRzo99>>> * <<<Woolzrd08>>> * <<<WormRupp98>>> * <<<Wortham92>>> * <<<Wortham96>>> * <<<Worthzm92>>> * <<<Worthzm96>>> * <<<WoutersMacon00>>> * <<<WoutersMacon98>>> * <<<WoutersMzcon00>>> * <<<WoutersMzcon98>>> * <<<WredeShriberg03>>> * <<<Wynn80>>> * <<<Wzhlster02>>> * <<<WzhlsterMzrburgerEtZl83>>> * <<<WzibelBettEtZl01>>> * <<<Wzles96>>> * <<<Wzlker00>>> * <<<Wzlker98>>> * <<<WzlkerJoshiEtZl98>>> * <<<WzlkerMoore97>>> * <<<WzlkerPzssonnezu01>>> * <<<WzlkerPzssonnezuEtZl01>>> * <<<WzlkerWrightEtZl00>>> * <<<WzllzceNovelloEtZl97>>> * <<<Wztson07>>> * <<<Wztson87>>> * <<<WztznzbeZszhzrzEtZl07>>> * <<<Xiang03>>> * <<<Xizng03>>> * <<<Yaari97>>> * <<<YangSuEtAl08>>> * <<<YangTurEtAl08>>> * <<<Youmans01>>> * <<<Youmzns01>>> * <<<Yu07>>> * <<<YuBallardEtAl5>>> * <<<YuBzllzrdEtZl5>>> * <<<Yule82>>> * <<<YzngSuEtZl08>>> * <<<YzngTurEtZl08>>> * <<<Yzzri97>>> * <<<ZMI05>>> * <<<Zaenen06>>> * <<<ZancanroStochEtAl97>>> * <<<Zbney91>>> * <<<ZbneyCollinsEtZl00>>> * <<<Zechner01>>> * <<<Zechner02>>> * <<<ZemelKoschmanEtAl08>>> * <<<ZemelKoschmznEtZl08>>> * <<<Zernik87>>> * <<<ZggounChznEtZl02>>> * <<<Zghz05>>> * <<<Zghz93>>> * <<<ZhouWengEtAl03>>> * <<<ZhouWengEtZl03>>> * <<<ZiertHooleEtAl00>>> * <<<ZiertHooleEtZl00>>> * <<<ZijmerStensrom04>>> * <<<Zimmerman92>>> * <<<ZimmermannHakkaniTurEtAl>>> * <<<ZimmermannStolckeEtAl06>>> * <<<Zimmermzn92>>> * <<<ZimmermznnHzkkzniTurEtZl>>> * <<<ZimmermznnStolckeEtZl06>>> * <<<ZlbrechtZukermznEtZl98>>> * <<<Zlexznder87>>> * <<<ZllenByronEtZl01>>> * <<<ZllenCore97>>> * <<<ZllenFergusonEtZl01>>> * <<<ZllenPerrzult80>>> * <<<ZllenSchubertEtZl95>>> * <<<Zllwood00>>> * <<<Zllwood07>>> * <<<ZllwoodNivreEtZl92>>> * <<<ZllznCzrbonellEtZl98>>> * <<<Zlmeidz95>>> * <<<Zlshzwi92>>> * <<<Znderson94>>> * <<<ZndersonBzderEtZl91>>> * <<<ZndersonSznfordEtZl07>>> * <<<ZngLiuEtZl05>>> * <<<Znz06>>> * <<<ZppeltHobbsEtZl93>>> * <<<ZrchzkisTzznne05>>> * <<<Zriel8>>> * <<<ZrnoldNzllzpztiEtZl08>>> * <<<ZrtsteinPoesiozr>>> * <<<Zsher93>>> * <<<Zsher98>>> * <<<ZsherLzsczrides03>>> * <<<ZsherLzsczrides98>>> * <<<ZstonBurnzrd98>>> * <<<ZsudehCrouch01>>> * <<<Ztlzs96>>> * <<<Zupnik94>>> * <<<Zustin62>>> * <<<Zzenen06>>> * <<<ZzncznroStochEtZl97>>> * <<<Zzrts97>>> [-- Attachment #3: Type: text/plain, Size: 204 bytes --] _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread
* Re: maximum number of radio targets? 2008-09-06 16:41 maximum number of radio targets? John Niekrasz @ 2008-09-07 15:18 ` Carsten Dominik 2008-09-15 10:38 ` John Niekrasz 0 siblings, 1 reply; 3+ messages in thread From: Carsten Dominik @ 2008-09-07 15:18 UTC (permalink / raw) To: John Niekrasz; +Cc: emacs-orgmode Hi John, I think you are *clearly* overdoing the radiolink feature. The problem is that the implementation uses font-lock to activate matches, so that these are always up to date. This clearly means that the number of links must be limited. I am not sure what the limitation is in Emacs, but I would also suspect that, with this many radio targets, you should be feeling the speed impact with every single character you type - oy you must either have a *very* fast machine - or be a sloooow typist :-) ? With this many links, I guess a different implementation for radio links would be needed, one that does not use font-lock, but some mechanism that uses idle time. We don't have such a mechanism yet. There are some plans, in particular to support automatic inter-file links like HOWM does it, by these have not moved beyond the "wishful thinking" stage. This could be a nice extension! Anyone feels challenged to implement it? - Carsten On Sep 6, 2008, at 6:41 PM, John Niekrasz wrote: > Hello org-mode folks, > > I really like the radio targets feature. Perhaps too much. I seem to > have encountered a case where using too many of them means that they > don't work. We're talking about 2k of them, with an average length of > 15 characters or so. Is it possible that the orgmode internal regexps > are getting too long? Is there a general emacs string variable size > limit I can change to make things work? > > I'm using GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version > 2.10.13) and orgmode 6.06b. > > I've attached a file as an example. The links don't come up on > loading. But if you erase everything after line 1500 (or alternately > before line 1500), it works. > John > <test.org><mime-attachment.txt> ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread
* Re: maximum number of radio targets? 2008-09-07 15:18 ` Carsten Dominik @ 2008-09-15 10:38 ` John Niekrasz 0 siblings, 0 replies; 3+ messages in thread From: John Niekrasz @ 2008-09-15 10:38 UTC (permalink / raw) To: Carsten Dominik; +Cc: emacs-orgmode Hi Carsten, I'm not an emacs lisp programmer, but I figured out how to evaluate emacs lisp variables at least. If I create a file with a ton of automatically generated numeric radio targets and then evaluate the variable "org-target-link-regexp", I get this message: Error during redisplay: (invalid-regexp Regular expression too big) [28 times] Whereas if I do it with a reasonable amount, I get something reasonable like this: "\\<\\(2999\\|2998\\|2997\\|2996\\|2995\\|2994\\|2993\\|... So it seems to me that emacs has a regular expression length limit, and that this is indeed the cause of the problem. I can also suggest that the slowness you have hypothesized has not occurred for me...at least not up to the regular expression max length, which allows me to have about 2000 5-character radio tags. I'm going to investigate whether the regular expression length can be changed and will report back. John On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Carsten Dominik <dominik@science.uva.nl> wrote: > Hi John, I think you are *clearly* overdoing the radiolink feature. The > problem is that the implementation uses font-lock to activate matches, so > that these are always up to date. This clearly means that the number of > links must be limited. I am not sure what the limitation is in Emacs, but I > would also suspect that, with this many radio targets, you should be feeling > the speed impact with every single character you type - oy you must either > have a *very* fast machine - or be a sloooow typist :-) ? > > With this many links, I guess a different implementation for radio links > would be needed, one that does not use font-lock, but some mechanism that > uses idle time. > > We don't have such a mechanism yet. There are some plans, in particular to > support automatic inter-file links like HOWM does it, by these have not > moved beyond the "wishful thinking" stage. > > This could be a nice extension! Anyone feels challenged to implement it? > > - Carsten > > On Sep 6, 2008, at 6:41 PM, John Niekrasz wrote: > >> Hello org-mode folks, >> >> I really like the radio targets feature. Perhaps too much. I seem to >> have encountered a case where using too many of them means that they >> don't work. We're talking about 2k of them, with an average length of >> 15 characters or so. Is it possible that the orgmode internal regexps >> are getting too long? Is there a general emacs string variable size >> limit I can change to make things work? >> >> I'm using GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version >> 2.10.13) and orgmode 6.06b. >> >> I've attached a file as an example. The links don't come up on >> loading. But if you erase everything after line 1500 (or alternately >> before line 1500), it works. >> John >> <test.org><mime-attachment.txt> > > ^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread
end of thread, other threads:[~2008-09-15 10:38 UTC | newest] Thread overview: 3+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed -- links below jump to the message on this page -- 2008-09-06 16:41 maximum number of radio targets? John Niekrasz 2008-09-07 15:18 ` Carsten Dominik 2008-09-15 10:38 ` John Niekrasz
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