Thanks, Ihor

I can't share my private org files. And I find myself unable to isolate the causes of the possible errors.

I think I will keep waiting till somebody shares an easy and robust way to get an .ics calendar from org files.


On 02/02/2024 22:25, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Ypo <> writes:

I am sharing a bug report from emacs -q. I don't know how to use a 
different org-version that the built-in (or if I should).
Sorry for not being clear. Let me elaborate what I expect.

1. Create example Org file or a set of Org files, open them with
   emacs -Q, and try to trigger the problem where you expect to see ics
   file, but it does not appear

2. If you can do it, share the example Org files and each step you
   performed after emacs -Q until you encountered the problem.

The idea is providing me with enough info to re-create the problem on my
computer, so that I can investigate in depth.