On 6/22/24 10:32, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > - Tim continued his struggle with an elusive bug he experiences when > setting tags (C-c C-q) in large Org buffers - setting tags takes > forever for him. (There is infinite loop likely lurking somewhere) I have the same bug, but I said nothing because I don't have right now time to report. When I read it, I just wanted to share that this also happens to me. I work with huge diary files and I discovered that since the cache is activated by default, when I remove or move certain subtrees/parts looks like makes the cache corrupted (I could not reproduce exactly how), not only affects tag completion, that yeah, it takes forever, it also works weird on org-captures applied to huge buffer files. So I have a current diary, that tries to get a record of last weeks. When I could not archive it (like right now), it has 5 weeks from now, that means 24k lines in a file, when I can clean it up, goes to an archive file (so then, alleviates org-agenda-files processing), the 2023, which is pretty archived, is 263k lines. From user-view perspective, it was uncomfortable to see it enabled by default, specially when you have problems, specially, when you try to deal with a solution, and is not really documented on the workarounds, etc [0]. It took me nearly 2 hours to stabilize again my workflow so I agree that some information should be explained as stated in a recent conversation [1] My vicious workflow regretably involves opening a lot of duplicated buffers through emacsclient, and at some point, it becomes slow, so I do this [2] Being said all, I am very happy with how emacs and orgmode are getting progress done on managing large files, etc. I just wanted to let you know about a problem that I am experimenting, and maybe other people too. I will note in my agenda on the #9 meeting [3] and I will try to join Cheers, pinmacs [0] In my notes it says: #+name: sourceblock_created_2024-06-27_14-32-44 #+begin_src text how to disable Element cache? I am having warnings but I don't have time to do bug reporting ( https://orgmode.org/Changes.html ) found the solution (setq org-element-use-cache nil)      src https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/42006/trouble-with-org-mode-cache-find-error [ I don't remember where I got this, but I think it should appear in the manual saying that this is a workaround until it is fixed https://orgmode.org/org.html ] org-element-cache-reset #+end_src [1] email Subject: Please document the caching and its user options, From: Eli Zaretskii, Date: 2024-06-12 11:38:05 AM CEST [2] #+name: sourceblock_created_2024-06-27_14-33-28 #+begin_src emacs-lisp ;; I use this program when it works slow (defun kill-duplicate-frames ()   "Kills duplicate frames of buffers."   (interactive)   (let ((buffers '()))     (dolist (frame (frame-list))       (with-selected-frame frame         (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))           (when (member buffer buffers)             (delete-frame))           (add-to-list 'buffers buffer)))))   ;; after doing stuff, cache goes slow, but with this, it improves   ;; so this is arbitrary program, that my brain has associated with "make emacs faster again"   (org-element-cache-reset)   (message "Killed duplicate frames of buffers.")) #+end_src [3] email Subject: #9 ((bbb:OrgMeetup)) on Wed, July 10, 19:00 UTC+3, From: Ihor Radchenko , Date: 2024-06-26 5:48:46 PM CEST