Sebastian Rose wrote:
Yes, sorry - was just trying this on in exactly this moment :-/

The clocking works too, but then the TODO - STARTED - DONE is added
Sorry Sebastian, did not exactly catch your point about "clocking works too". For me, if I try to clock in/out on a regular checkbox list item, clocking starts on it's parent and NOT on the checkbox list item.

But this one could be corrected by using the hook
org-after-todo-state-change-hook. Some (not very elegant) function like

(defun my-delete-todo-keyword ()
  "Delete todo keyword when DONE"
 ;; missing code for finding the headline
 (forward-word 1)
 (backward-word 1)
 (if (looking-at "DONE")
       (kill-word 1)
       (delete-char 1))))

(setq org-after-todo-state-change-hook (quote (org-clock-out-if-current sr-org-todo-toggle-to-started my-delete-todo-keyword)))