* RUNS *** Updated to Xavi's latest cvs on cluster and BeamformIt on 10/2/06 | corpus | data set | run | comment | |--------+----------+-------+------------------------------------------------------------------| | rt04s | del4xs | 63+ | | _Runs below with new code: [[CVS tag of my code w/ new PCA]]_ | corpus | data set | run | comment | |--------+-------------+-------+-------------------------------------------------------------| | rt05se | xc5 | 1598+ | 1416, no NR | | rt04s | NRall.xc1.0 | 1655+ | 1.0s XC, 0.5s ER, new PCA all NR | | rt05se | NRall.xc1.0 | 1677+ | 1.0s XC, 0.5s ER, new PCA all NR | _below, removed feat3/4 merge stream feats so that remStuckFrms.m will get called_ | devDD | broken speech tools 7226 | XC1ref, *, NR on, in case this matters for low dim pca input (dfw=1) | | tstDD | broken 7262 | XC1ref, *, NR on, in case this matters for low dim pca input (dfw=1) | |-------+--------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | dtDD | 6474 | dimPick, ent1G, entNLG | | dtDD | 6535 | dimPick, many new methods | * Reoptimize *** TODO correlation manifold kernel support vectors from combinations of diariation speaker location models *** Split CCA w/ do_feat_weights==1 :conclusion: _Conclusions:_ 1.) best perf is 13.42%, 2.) beats baseline, 3.) doesn't beat PCA-only dim reduction 4.) but no gain over CCA-ER or XC dim reduction Total Diariz Error vs. Run [merged 5720, dev_DD, merged 5737, test_DD] | x | feat | | | | dev,5720 | | tst,5737 | | | x | | runNum | 3_nmix | feat3_pairFeats | worst | best | tot | | tot | worst | best | runNum | |--------+--------+-----------------+-------+------+----------+---+----------+-------+------+--------| | 05703 | 1 | XCfCCA.CC.1 | 40.84 | 3.04 | 18.21 | | 15.5 | 40.58 | 5.42 | 05720 | *** Summary Table | | | | | | | | | | | |--------+-------+------+-------+---+-------+-------+------+--------+-------------------------| | dev | | | dev | | tst | | | | dev | | runNum | worst | best | tot | | tot | worst | best | runNum | note | |--------+-------+------+-------+---+-------+-------+------+--------+-------------------------| | 04677 | 49.26 | 2.75 | 18.04 | | 17.29 | 46.08 | 2.96 | 04680 | baseline, dfw==0 | | 05739 | 44.36 | 3.3 | 16.01 | | 15.03 | 40.15 | 1.96 | 05746 | baseline, dfw==1 | | 05386 | 36.36 | 2.58 | 15.17 | | 13.03 | 24.3 | 3.65 | 05373 | XC-PCA | | 05454 | 44.2 | 6.29 | 19.73 | | 20.26 | 42.99 | 5.88 | 05455 | ER/XC | | 05716 | 36.39 | 2.36 | 15.22 | | 13.42 | 30.47 | 2.34 | 05733 | XCfCCA.dMI.3 |