% Created 2008-02-06 Wed 11:32 \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{hyperref} \title{* RUNS} \author{Scott Otterson} \date{06 February 2008} \begin{document} \maketitle \textbf{*} Updated to Xavi's latest cvs on cluster and BeamformIt on 10/2/06 \begin{tabular}{llrl} corpus & data set & run & comment \\ \hline rt04s & del4xs & 63+ & \\ \end{tabular} \underline{Runs below with new code: [[CVS tag of my code w/ new PCA][CVS tag of my code w/ new PCA]]} \begin{tabular}{llrl} corpus & data set & run & comment \\ \hline rt05se & xc5 & 1598+ & 1416, no NR \\ rt04s & NRall.xc1.0 & 1655+ & 1.0s XC, 0.5s ER, new PCA all NR \\ rt05se & NRall.xc1.0 & 1677+ & 1.0s XC, 0.5s ER, new PCA all NR \\ \end{tabular} \underline{below, removed feat3/4 merge stream feats so that remStuckFrms.m will get called} \begin{tabular}{lrl} devDD & broken speech tools 7226 & XC1ref, *, NR on, in case this matters for low dim pca input (dfw=1) \\ tstDD & broken 7262 & XC1ref, *, NR on, in case this matters for low dim pca input (dfw=1) \\ \hline dtDD & 6474 & dimPick, ent1G, entNLG \\ dtDD & 6535 & dimPick, many new methods \\ \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{rrrrlrrrrl} & & & & & & & & & \\ \hline dev & & & dev & & tst & & & & dev \\ runNum & worst & best & tot & & tot & worst & best & runNum & note \\ \hline 04677 & 49.26 & 2.75 & 18.04 & & 17.29 & 46.08 & 2.96 & 04680 & baseline, dfw==0 \\ 05739 & 44.36 & 3.3 & 16.01 & & 15.03 & 40.15 & 1.96 & 05746 & baseline, dfw==1 \\ 05386 & 36.36 & 2.58 & 15.17 & & 13.03 & 24.3 & 3.65 & 05373 & XC-PCA \\ 05454 & 44.2 & 6.29 & 19.73 & & 20.26 & 42.99 & 5.88 & 05455 & ER/XC \\ 05716 & 36.39 & 2.36 & 15.22 & & 13.42 & 30.47 & 2.34 & 05733 & XCfCCA.dMI.3 \\ \end{tabular} \end{document}