I’m running Org 9.3.1 and Emacs 27.0.60, which I compile myself. I discovered that if I have (setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t) in my config, and I create an ordered or unordered list where there are list items only containing marked up text, and then I export Visible only (C-v), those list items export as blank lines (other than the bullet or number). For example, if I have an org file with the following: * Heading This is some text. And following is a list. 1. ~with code~ 2. some text ~with code~ 3. some text And back to a new paragraph It will export to LaTeX/PDF as: Heading This is some text. And following is a list. some text with code some text And back to a new paragraph If I look at the LaTeX source that was exported for the list, this is what it looks like: \begin{enumerate} \item \item some text \texttt{with code} \item some text \end{enumerate} I can reproduce this with an init.el file containing only these 2 lines: (require 'org) (setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t) If I comment out the second line, the list exports correctly.