Dear Christine (and CC list),
Thank you!
On 2021-03-19 10:13, Christine Köhn wrote:
Here is one way to do the latex part. You could pass a jobname to latex.
I have this
in a myexam.sty file to switch between modes (with or without solutions
and todo notes) and use it in the latex file with
You could add your own latex class to org-latex-classes and add this
line there.
The jobname has to be passed to latex with something like -jobname
withsolution if you want it to be with solutions. I use a Makefile for
this purpose which calls latexmk
latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="pdflatex --interaction=errorstopmode" -use-make
and adds -jobname=$(basename $@) if asked to create a pdf ending with
withsolution.pdf. I can send you the Makefile if you're interested.
To use the jobname from within orgmode, you'll have to change
org-latex-pdf-process to use the jobname if needed. I think one way to
achieve this is to add a new export backend which is derived from latex
(see org-export-define-derived-backend) and which sets
org-latex-pdf-process accordingly (and resets it afterwards).