Given: 1. A tendency of massively marking all items as schedule [1] 2. Some of that items should be done on daily basis (I generate them with a daily template and the power of org-capture) 3. Life happens and some of them are accumulated, for my last case, that was 29 entries pending to be processed Action: I procedure with a batch action for that 29 entries (imagine here a batch script), and now that it is done, then I need to clear it up from my org-agenda org-agenda-bulk-action  [2] does not serve me because it marks the TODO thing without a note, and it's not possible to add a note with the prefix. Going to offtopic, I also discovered that does not respect the enforce-todo-dependencies [3], ignores if that entries have child todo items. I tried to create a org-agenda-bulk-custom-functions but I failed because I wanted a chosen state and a shared note for all the bulk items and the way that functions work cannot be done. But the bulk items are in a variable (nice), org-agenda-bulk-marked-entries, and you can traverse it with a generic function, so I did it. It took me, unexpectetly, 1h30m to get it working (and I could not find other stuff around), so I am sharing what I have done so other people can benefit, and by the way, I would like to know what do you think of that approach and if you have ideas to improve it. See it attached in file org-agenda-bulk-todo-with-note.el With that script I added a note of resolution of that items saying that it was resolved through my task with CUSTOM_ID/ID X (like when you close multiple issues in a ticketing software) [4] A healthy 2025 for you guys, pinmacs [1] offtopic, but I am sharing it anyway #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun my/org-heading-insert-scheduled ()   (if (or        (and (string-match-p my/diary-file (buffer-name))             (= (org-current-level) 4))        (and (string-match-p my/board-file (buffer-name))             (= (org-current-level) 4))        (and (string-match-p "" (buffer-name))             ;; projects are 4-level (tasks start at 6-level, we don't care on its children)             (> (org-current-level) 5))        (and (string-match-p "" (buffer-name))             ;; projects are 4-level (tasks start at 3-level, we don't care on its children)             (> (org-current-level) 3))        )       (save-excursion         ;; src         ;;(org-back-to-heading)         (org-schedule nil (format-time-string "[%Y-%m-%d %a]" nil))))) (add-hook 'org-insert-heading-hook 'my/org-heading-insert-scheduled 'append) #+end_src [2] [3] (setq org-enforce-todo-dependencies t) [4] all that state changes are stored, in my case, in (setq org-log-state-notes-into-drawer "TRACE")