Aha, I see now. thanks for your answer. @Nick

On 03/13/2018 01:54 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:
"numbchild@gmail.com" <numbchild@gmail.com> writes:

After add more code, not it supports `js-comint`, `skewer-mode`, `Indium`.

Waited many days, still no response. Anyone want to review this code?

Recently view Org-mode mailing list, many threads has response. Why my post does not have any response?

Because reviewing code is hard: in this case, one needs some expertise
in org, but also in JS and its supporting packages in emacs. Speaking
for myself, I have some (rather rusty at this point) expertise in org,
but none in the other areas; I also have no time. I suspect that one
or more of these reasons are shared by most people on the list. The
wonder of it is that many questions *do* get answered, but in many
cases, they tend to be a short question-answer sequence. OTOH, there
are topics that go on for years with no resolution in sight despite
extended discussion. And there are certainly lots that fall by the

So do not expect miracles, but if after a sufficient period of time,
things seem to have fallen into the cracks and forgotten, then a bump
might be warranted. But patience is a virtue!