I am using Guix with direnv. In an specific folder I am installing and using psql and postgresql using direnv+guix as follows:
use guix --manifest=cdpp-manifest.scm
export PGUSER=food_user
export PGPASSWORD=some_password
export PGDATABASE=food
layout postgres
Where cdpp-manifest.scm contains the following:
I am able to use sql-mode and run queries against the database, in order to achieve that I am using the following .dir-locals.el
;;; Directory Local Variables
;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")
((nil .
((projectile-project-test-cmd . "pytest --color=no --failed-first --maxfail=5")))
(python-mode .
((python-shell-buffer-name . "Python [CDPP-Inspecciones]")))
(org-mode . (
(indent-tabs-mode . nil)
(org-src-preserve-indentation . t)
(org-footnote-auto-adjust . t)
(org-footnote-auto-label . t)
(ispell-local-dictionary . "spanish")
(org-export-allow-bind-keywords . t)
(org-footnote-define-inline . nil)
(org-footnote-section . "Footnotes")))
(sql-mode . ((sql-connection-alist . ((mydb
(sql-product 'postgres)
(sql-database "mydb")
(sql-user "db_user")
(sql-server (expand-file-name ".direnv/postgres"))
(sql-port 5432)
But If I try to use an sql org-babel block
#+begin_src sql
select 1;
(I am setting the connection variables in a PROPERTY)
I get the error: `psql is not found`
I was reading about the variable sql-postgres-program, so if I set the following in dir-locals.el
(sql-postgres-program . "/gnu/store/f2v92bkx2vfzmkl14qxj3hlmby4dy9x0-profile/bin/psql")
It works (note that psql ONLY lives inside the profile defined by direnv+guix), but I don't like the idea of hardcode the path.
Is there a better way?
Ideally I will expect that the org block will read it from the environment, but is not working.
Thanks in advance