On Apr 21, 2008, at 2:55 AM, Pete Phillips wrote: > One thing I have done is design a method so that I can easily put > emails > into a set of 'pending' mail folders, and then get cron to process > these > and dump the emails back into my +inbox at appropriate dates. Interesting, I have a similar script that also requires cron/shell access to mail server, but works with mbox format instead of MH, and is compatible with, e.g., dovecot IMAP server. Mine is slightly less fancy, in that I file messages to absolute folders named "days/25" or "months/07-July" (rather than "nextweek") to have them dumped back into my spool at the indicated time. See the 'email-tickler-update' script attached. More relevant to org-mode, I have an emacs-lisp/apple-script combo for pasting links to Apple Mail messages into org files: (defun cal-grab-mail-links () (interactive) (call-process "/usr/bin/osascript" nil t nil "/home/league/Library/Scripts/Applications/Mail/Copy Message for OrgMode.scpt") (yank)) (define-key org-mode-map "\C-cm" 'cal-grab-mail-links) ;;;;; and the .scpt component: -- Replace all occurences of one string for another in a text -- The trick here is to change the internal delimiter, -- spliting and joining the text -- on replaceString(theText, oldString, newString) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldString set tempList to every text item of theText set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newString set theText to the tempList as string set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" return theText end replaceString tell application "Mail" set _sel to get selection set _links to {} repeat with _msg in _sel set _subj to _msg's subject set _subj to my replaceString(_subj, "[", "(") set _subj to my replaceString(_subj, "]", ")") set _messageURL to "[[message://%3c" & _msg's message id & "%3e][" & _subj & "]]" set end of _links to _messageURL end repeat set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return set the clipboard to (_links as string) end tell