My plan (and please someone tell me if this just won't work) is to publish emacs docs onto my web server and allow selected people to comment on them using Fleck

To access Fleck I want to insert the following code at the top of  the Emacs document before publishing to HTML

<!-- Start of Fleck WebWidget Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
<!-- End of Fleck WebWidget Code -->
But I can't work out how to do this - I just get the text rather than the icon.

Any help  would be appreciated

Just as background, what I am hoping to to do is to

1. create document in Emacs+Org Mode
2 send to Firefox as HTML (C-c C-e b)
3 Use FireFTP in firfox  to upload to my web space
4. use email with URL to file inviting people to comment.  Reviewers open link and click on icon created by code above. This opens an annotation tool bar allowing them to add comments
5 At end of review period, open original document in Emacs and HTML version from my web server. Review comments in Firefox and update original document in Emacs

Actually, I would also appreciate any comments on this work flow, and any alternatives to Fleck.

Many thanks
