When I create a clocktable, its entries are links to heading text:

[ [file:/path/to/meetings.org::*featureset meeting][featureset meeting] ]

But in my meetings.org file there are dozens of headings that simply read:
​* featureset meeting
so all clocktable links to these meetings point to the first instance in my meetings.org.

However, when I run org-store-link with point on a particular heading I'm interested in, I get a link to a unique ID:

[ [id:29FDF5EE-BD50-491F-9332-B007F8CE5CE9][featureset meeting] ]

Is there a way to convince the clocktable mechanism to link to a unique ID (when it exists) rather than a possibly non-unique heading?

Thanks -

"No, ma'am, we're musicians."