Hello all! I have been working to increase my frame use with emacs, and have taken the following from the manual: (custom-set-variables '(display-buffer-base-action '( (display-buffer-reuse-window display-buffer-pop-up-frame) (reusable-frames . 0) ) ) ) When used with org-capture, something surprising happens. At first, a new frame is popped up to show the capture template menu. So far, so good. However, after I hit a key to select a template instead of my new frame being replaced with one containing the template, instead I get 2 new frames (or it closes this one and makes 3 new -- I end up with 4 total including the original frame I ran org-capture from) one of the new frames contains the template result and the other contains `other-buffer` with the usual result that I am looking at 3 frames containing whatever I was working on and one frame containing the org capture template. I'm happy to make further customisations of my environment to avoid this, but it is very surprising to me so I wonder if anyone can guess what might be happening and give me some pointers about it? Thank you.