Hi, I wrote a full DB browser in Emacs, EDBI https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-edbi. This program provides DB Query API (like Perl's DBI) and table layout framework. One can query any SQL and layout the results into a rigid table format. There is no document for API, please see the demo code. https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-edbi/blob/master/edbi-demo.el I don't have a time to integrate it into org-mode, if someone would write the code, I think I can help a little. Regards -- SAKURAI, Masashi (family, given) m.sakurai@kiwanami.net At Sun, 18 Aug 2013 16:06:43 +0200, Johan W. Kl$(D+d(Bwer wrote: > > [1 ] > > [2 ] > I wish it were possible to execute SQL on tables in org-mode buffers. Filtering rows and columns, > joining values across named tables, and so forth could be done with SQL in the org-table SEND > clauses. > > There's a script called csvsql that allows for executing SQL on comma- or tab-separated files from > the command-line (using the H2 database engine): https://github.com/jdurbin/durbinlib/wiki/csvsql. > I'm thinking csvsql or similar could provide the query capability, and org-mode would take care of > sending it org tables in tab separated format. > > That's my wish. > > Cheers > > Johan > >