Thanks Richard!
I'd like to get into org-mobile development, what would be the basic roadmap to get into that?
I still don't have a mac (planning to get one in the upcoming months);
Basic elisp skills;
Intermediate C skills (not Objective C)
Is there a way to program the iPhone SDK on Linux?
Hi again Marcelo,
I haven't yet implemented this feature, but it is a good idea. I will consider how to best implement this for a future release.
> _______________________________________________
On Nov 18, 2009, at 5:06 PM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
> Hello list!
> Is it possible to search for items with two tags or more. For example, let's
> say I want to search for items @OFFICE and FOCUS. I've tried and it doesn't
> seem to work. Is it possible somehow?
> Thanks,
> Marcelo.
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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