Hi Jose, On Apr 29, 2008, at 6:12 PM, Jose Robins wrote: > Bug Description > Let's say I have a scheduled entry which I've scheduled for today > with the time of 7:15-8:30 am (using a time string on the item) and > I have another entry for 8:30 am to 10:00am. Now I have set it up > such that the default times to be shown are whatever is set by > default. I also have set it such that if an entry exists for a > particular time, no empty grid line should be shown. However, > 8:00-8:30 still shows in the gridline view (as an empty line) even > though an entry exists from 7:15 - 8:30 am. However, if I make it > from 8:00 to 8:30 am, the empty grid line entry disappears. Yes, this is currently not possible to change this. Lines are only omitted if there is an entry starting on that time. I guess it could be fun to devise a graphical display for the calendar, showing the lengths of appointments, but I have not had time for this. > > > Question/Wish Item > Also is there a way to allow for times after 12:00 pm to be shown in > am/pm format instead of 24 hour clock in the time grid view? That is also not possible. It might be relatively easy to do if there was enough interest for such a feature. I think in 24 hour clocks, so I myself do not find this necessary/useful. - Carsten