(I had not joined the mailing list before sending the first message.) I have a workaround for this that allows me to at least load my org files: I can #+COMMENT: out all the lists, which I have in there as documentation (I treat my setup files like literate configuration files). ---- On Wed, 26 Jun 2024 18:42:13 -0400 kazark wrote --- Hi, I am getting this error after updating to Org-Mode 9.7.5: The error was: (error "Tab width in Org files must be 8, not 2.  Please adjust your ‘tab-width’ settings for Org mode.") However, it does not happen when I load every Org-Mode file. The MWE I have come up with requires two files; call them test.org and properties.org. The contents of test.org are simply a link to properties.org as a setup file. #+SETUPFILE: properties.org The contents of properties.org can be as simple as: + foo #+TODO: TODO(t) | DONE(d) But no simpler. If the plain list item is removed, the problem does not occur. If the TODO element is removed, the problem does not occur. The problem can also be caused with a MACRO element, but not by COMMENT, BIND, LATEX_HEADER, &c. Loading properties.org does not cause the problem. Only loading test.org causes the problem, so the problem seems to be specific to when an Org file is loaded as a startup file. I am not clear why tab-width is not being set to 8 in that case. It is true that my global tab-width configuration is 2, but I have not attempted to force Org-Mode to use a value of 2. In fact, before I realize that Org-Mode itself now does (setq-local tab-width 8) I even tried doing that on org-mode-hook, but it didn't help. Perhaps this is a problem with my configuration, but I suspect that it is an edge-case bug in Org itself. I have reason to think that I am one of the heavier users of setup files. https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/59492/19069 So it seems entirely possible that I am just the first to hit this edge case. Because I do rely quite a bit on setup files, this has me in a fairly broken state at the moment. I deeply appreciate any help or advice that you have, as well as all the hard work that goes into Org-Mode. I live my whole life in Org-Mode. Kazark