I'm trying to use :table-line-pos in a capture template.
I want add new line just after the third hline in the table.
I try "III" "III+" "III+1" "4"... Any ideas?

this is the line in my org-capture-templates :
("X" "Test" table-line (file+headline "/media/yann/crypt/gtd/collecte/projets/test.org" "table") "| | | | |%t | |" :table-line-pos "4")

and this is my files test.org :

* table
|   |  Somme | Objet |      Compte | Date               |   |
| _ |  Total |       |             |                    |   |
| # | 140.00 |       |             |                    |   |
|   |     60 | test2 |          03 | <2016-04-13 mer.>  |   |
|   |     50 | test  | 12040538001 | <2016-03-12 sam.>  |   |
|   |     10 | 10    |    13221312 | <2016-02-11 jeu.>  |   |

Thank you.
