On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Nathan Neff <nathan.neff@gmail.com> wrote:
FYI, the latest Aquamacs Preview 5 solved the "Refile error - kill is not a (set of) trees"
problem (at least for me).


I downloaded the newest version, and ran it with
Org-mode version 6.34trans (release_6.34c.243.g2bca7.dirty)



Preview 5 also fixed a problem I was having when using Ctrl-K to kill a line.  The line that I killed was not being copied to the kill-ring.

In other words, I would put the cursor at the start of this line:


and press Ctrl-K.  Then I would press Ctrl-Y, and "foo" would not be yanked.  This problem seems to have gone away with Aquamacs preview5.
