On Tue, 25 Sep 2007 14:52:44 +0200 Bastien wrote: b> You can also set `org-remember-default-headline'. In your case, b> maybe "Emails" is a good choice: b> (setq org-remember-default-headline "Emails") Yes, this seems useful. b> Then you have to make sure there is a headline containing "Emails" b> in your `org-default-notes-file' or in the file the template is b> pointing to. What would happen if there were no such headline? Would it be created? >> (setq org-remember-templates >> '((?e "* NEXT %?\n %i\n %a" "Email" "Emails"))) b> ^^^^^ b> I don't understand the first "Email" here. The third argument b> should be a filename, as specified in org-remember-templates Yes, it is a filename. The file I've been using temporarily was "~/Tools/Org/Email" when that did not work in the expression above, I tried to see whether I should just put the file name, but it did not help. Sorry for not providing that information before. b> So I would suggest this configuration: I tried that. When typing "C-c C-c" it asks for a filename to save into (instead of saving into the default, as the menu claims) and when trying to specify the existing file, I get "File `/home/greve/Tools/Org/Email' exists; overwrite? (y or n)" which I declined as I don't want to lose that file. If I do "C-c C-c" and give it "~/.notes" by hand (which should not have been necessary in the first place) I get the following result for .notes, regardless of its previous state: