Florian Lindner writes: > Hello, > > I'm working on my first presentation using org mode together with latex > beamer (until now, I produce the slide using beamer only). Same as me - beamer in org is really niche when you get the hang of it (still not completely there). > > The top of my org file looks like that: > > #+startup: beamer > #+LATEX_CLASS: beamer > > #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation] > #+BEAMER_THEME: Boadilla > #+LATEX_HEADER: \author[me]{\underline{me}, co1, co2} > #+LATEX_HEADER: \title[short title]{multi line long title} > #+LATEX_HEADER: \subtitle{subtitle} > #+LATEX_HEADER: \institute[short institute]{multi line long institute} You could use #+BEAMER_HEADER: instead of #+LATEX_HEADER: - makes it clearer and is only inserted when exporting to beamer. > > This works so far, except the title. Since I do not set a title using > #+TITLE, org-mode sets a default \title{presentation}. How can I omit that? > > Is there a more elegant way to achieve the settings like above? Especially > > - The short and version of title, author and institute. > - The multi line (\\) formatting > - The subtitle Don't know - but wopuld really like to know as well. Rainer > > Thanks! > > Florian > > -- Rainer M. Krug email: Rainerkrugsde PGP: 0x0F52F982