Ihor Radchenko writes: > "Christopher M. Miles" writes: > >> I think the patch is finished. Please review, Ihor. Thanks for helping. > > Thanks for the update! > I have cleaned the manual and ORG-NEWS wordings. > > Upon reading the exported version of the manual, I realized that the > part in 2.2.1 Global and local cycling section sounds very awkward and > that we do not mention other cycle hooks like hiding archived > subtrees there. So, I decided to remove it. > > I also rewrote the other part in a bit more direct tone and moved the > index entry. > > (In general, it is useful to try reading the exported version of the > manual with the additions to check if things are still coherent - manual > is not just a collection of independent statements; we need to make sure > that it is not confusing the new readers). > > I also updated the commit message adding the CHANGELOG entries about the > manual and ORG-NEWS. > It's OK. > I am attaching the updated version of the patch with my amendments. Applied your updated patch. > However, upon testing your patch, tests are still failing on my side. > Can you please investigate? But If I use [M-x ert] to run the test "test-org-fold/org-fold-display-inline-images" is passed. Here is the steps: 1. [M-x load-file RET /path/to/org-mode/testing/org-test.el RET] 2. [C-M-x] to evaluate the target test 3. [M-x ert RET test-org-fold/org-fold-display-inline-images RET] to run this test I attached the uploaded screencast video link to prove it passed. https://share.cleanshot.com/tvUUoQ I tried many different other API functions to cycle or fold/unfold, but none of them works under command "make test" or command "make BTEST_RE="test-org-fold/org-fold-display-inline-images" test-dirty". I have nothing brain to think for this test now. Really can't figure out why this image is not displayed as overlay. Can you help me to fix this test? #+begin_src emacs-lisp (ert-deftest test-org-fold/org-fold-display-inline-images () "Test inline images displaying when cycling." (let* ((org-cycle-inline-images-display t) (images-dir (expand-file-name "examples/images/" org-test-dir)) (org-logo-image (expand-file-name "Org mode logo mono-color.png" images-dir))) ;; `org-cycle' -(state)-> `'children' display child inline images. (org-test-with-temp-text (format "* Heading 1 [[file:%s]] " org-logo-image) (org-overview) (org-cycle) ;; (org-cycle-internal-local) ;; (run-hook-with-args 'org-cycle-hook 'children) ;; (org-cycle-display-inline-images 'children) (org-next-link) ;; (should org-inline-image-overlays) (should (overlays-at (point))) (org-toggle-inline-images) (should-not (overlays-at (point)))) ;; `org-cycle' -(state)-> `'subtree' display subtrees inline images. (org-test-with-temp-text (format "* Heading 1 [[file:%s]] ** Subheading 1 [[file:%s]] ** Subheading 2 [[file:%s]]" org-logo-image org-logo-image org-logo-image) (org-overview) (org-cycle) (org-cycle) ;; (org-cycle-internal-global) ;; (run-hook-with-args 'org-cycle-hook 'subtree) (org-next-link) (org-next-link) ;; (should org-inline-image-overlays) (should (overlays-at (point))) (org-toggle-inline-images) (should-not (overlays-at (point)))) ;; `org-cycle' -(state)-> `'folded' remove inline image overlays. (org-test-with-temp-text (format "* Heading 1 [[file:%s]] ** Subheading 1 [[file:%s]] ** Subheading 2 [[file:%s]]" org-logo-image org-logo-image org-logo-image) (org-overview) (org-show-subtree) (org-fold-subtree t) (run-hook-with-args 'org-cycle-hook 'folded) (should (null org-inline-image-overlays)) (should (null (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))) (org-show-subtree) (should-not org-inline-image-overlays) (should-not (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))))) #+end_src -- [ stardiviner ] I try to make every word tell the meaning that I want to express without misunderstanding. Blog: https://stardiviner.github.io/ IRC(libera.chat, freenode): stardiviner, Matrix: stardiviner GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3