Hi I want to include in a document, exported to LaTeX, a subfigure. and followed the blog entry [1]. This works, but 1) is cumbersome and extemely LaTex - I can live with this, but is there a more org-modeisch solution? 2) I cant use the link (Figure [[fig:ventLEL]]) as they got not replaced by the correct LaTeX commands. This is obvious (as I did not use #+CAPTION: for the caption), but is there a way, apart from using the LaTeX code for these links, to get the links into the document? Thanks, Rainer * The example #+LATEX: \begin{figure}\centering #+LATEX: \subfloat[matlab]{\label{fig:matlabVentLEL} #+ATTR_LATEX: :height 0.45\textwidth [[file:inst/matlab/plots/vent5.pdf]] #+LATEX: } #+LATEX: \subfloat[R]{\label{fig:rVentLEL} #+begin_src R :exports results :file rVentLEL.pdf :results graphics plot(runif(10)) #+end_src #+ATTR_LATEX: :height 0.45\textwidth #+RESULTS: [[file:rVentLEL.pdf]] #+LATEX: }\caption{Plot of the wind profile from the matlab script using the Log-Exp-Log profile}\label{fig:ventLEL} #+LATEX: \end{figure} Footnotes: [1] http://draketo.de/light/english/emacs/write-multiple-images-single-page-org-mode -- Rainer M. Krug email: Rainerkrugsde PGP: 0x0F52F982