Hello, I'm trying to build an agenda that have two lists of scheduled items, one when a tag is absent, the other when the tag is present. Here is what I tried: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org-agenda-custom-commands (quote ( ("w" "Work" ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'regexp ":@Q2:")))) (agenda "" ((org-agenda-overriding-header "Q2 Scheduled") (org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'notregexp ":@Q2:"))))))))) #+end_src Here is the result of the command: Friday 3 April 2015 GTD: Sched. 5x: TODO ******** :@work: Cours Caml: Scheduled: TODO ******** :@work: Work: In 13 d.: TODO **** :@work: Friday 3 April 2015 JScert: Sched. 5x: TODO [0/2] ******** :@work:@Q2: Work: Sched. 5x: TODO ****** :@work:@Q2: The contents of the two agendas is correct, but the header for the second one is not there. Is it possible to replace the date with a custom header? Thanks, Alan -- OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7