> I just tried it out - this > > ,---- > | g (org-refile t) > `---- > > works in Outshine like in Org when using the tj-outshine branch from the > github repo, assuming you have > > ,---- > | (setq outshine-use-speed-commands t) > `---- > > in you init file. Ah, good to know. > All 3 libs (outshine, outorg and navi-mode) have developed quite a bit > recently, but I want to include better tests for outorg and implement > most of Org-mode's user API (like e.g. org-refile) via the > `outshine-use-outorg' function before I merge the tj-outshine, tj-outorg > and tj-navi branches into their repective masters. > > Maybe you could switch to the git-versions? OK, I gave it a try, and I'm now using them. I can already report that the 'g' speed command does not work as expected. It seems to work (it brings up a list of possible targets), but there are two issues. 1. The target does not include the current file, although I have this configuration: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org-refile-targets '((my-todo-file :maxlevel . 10) (nil :maxlevel . 10))) #+end_src 2. The current entry is actually refiled (instead of simply having the point move to the target). Maybe I should look into doing this the navi way. Assume you want to reach an entry with "foobar" in its title, but you don't know at what level this entry is. How would you do it? Alan -- OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7