Achim Gratz writes: > Rainer M Krug writes: >> If this is the case, I would opt, in addition to the + operator, to >> have a - operator, which *removes* properties from the property set >> :header-args. > > Properties don't work that way, they're just strings. So the + adds a string to the end of the inherited (or before defined) string - correct? If this is the case, the same property can be mwentioned in the :header-qrgs string? > >> Initially I thought, to use :header-args+ instead of :header-args would >> work, but I was wrong (see below). > > It's supposed to work, but doesn't due to a bug in the property API. OK - good to know. Rainer > > > Regards, > Achim. -- Rainer M. Krug email: Rainerkrugsde PGP: 0x0F52F982