Hello, If I have a test file ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * test 1 <2023-01-05 Thu 19:00-19:20> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- and then convert to an .ics file using C-c C-e c f I get the attached test.ics file, but copied here too: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:test PRODID//Stephen J. Eglen//Emacs with Org mode//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:GMT X-WR-CALDESC: CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT *** DTSTAMP:20230105T221431Z *** UID:TS1-81DE7E9C-0385-49CE-8528-C2FD51372CB4 *** DTSTART:20230105T190000Z *** DTEND:20230105T192000Z *** SUMMARY:test 1 *** DESCRIPTION:<2023-01-05 Thu 19:00>–<2023-01-05 Thu 19:20> *** CATEGORIES:test *** END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR The lines from BEGIN:VEVENT to CATEGORIES:test inclusive have CR (^M) as well as LF (^J) as newline [in the text above, I've converted the ^M to *** to see them eaer. Is that intended? Uploading the file to https://icalendar.org/validator.html gives me the error > Lines not delimited by CRLF sequence near line # 1 > Reference: RFC 5545 3.1. Content Lines Nicolas (cc'ed) has confirmed that it seems to be a problem. Before I work slowly on a suggested patch, does anyone have an idea on the best way forward? Is it possible to encode the file as "DOS" ,using something like set-buffer-file-coding-system? SOme lines do however have \r and \n see e.g. org-icalendar-fold-string which inserts both \r and \n Best wishes, Stephen