Ihor Radchenko writes: > "Christopher M. Miles" writes: > >> - [X] Then I check out Emacs source code file "epg.el" & "epa.el" file >> git log. -> have not found obvious gpg command-line options related to >> the problem. One small possible commit might be >> "82388dff8ed006cecb65ea7a4afd8667ec44b5e3". > > One of the reddit comments mentioned that the newer gpg hangs when not > provided input. If this is true, I notice that `epg-start-encrypt' first > calls (epg-wait-for-status context '("BEGIN_SIGNING")) and only then > sends the buffer string for encryption (process-send-string). Indeed, I'm superised by myself that haven't notice this steps. (epg-wait-for-status context '("BEGIN_ENCRYPTION")), it suspended and wair for "BEGIN_ENCRYPTION" input. But The real input is from bellowing (process-send-string (epg-context-process context) (epg-data-string plain)). Finally found the reason in Elisp code. I will send this update info to Emacs bug report.