Rainer M Krug writes: > Nick Dokos writes: > >> Rainer M Krug writes: >> >>> Nick Dokos writes: >>> >>>> Rainer M Krug writes: >>>> >>>>> Hi >>>>> >>>>> is there a worg page about the usage of org-mouse, and what it should be >>>>> doing? >>>>> >>>>> I read on this list that after (require 'org-mouse) (which I did >>>>> successfully) clicking left-mouse-buttom should fold, but it does not >>>>> happen. >>>>> >>>>> Do I have to configure something in addition? Is there an example >>>>> configuration? >>>>> >>>> >>>> No, but you have to click on the asterisks, not on the rest of the >>>> headline. If you do ``C-h c'' and then click carefully, you will see >>>> that clicking on the asterisks is bound to org-open-at-mouse, >>>> whereas clicking on the rest of the headline is bound org-mouse-down-mouse. >>> >>> >>> Hm - it tells me >>> >>> ,---- >>> | at that spot runs the command mouse-drag-region >>> `---- >>> >>> I assume that the fact that I evaluated >>> >>> ,---- >>> | (require 'org-mouse) >>> `---- >>> >>> in the scratch buffer does not make a difference. >> >> There is indeed something fishy going on: I've got two emacsen, one of >> which behaves as it "should", the other behaving as you describe. >> The second one was an emacs -q -l minimal.emacs invocation: I can't seem >> to turn on org-mouse in that. > > Let me know what I should look for in my config - mine is the normal > full config I usually use. And when I start with > > ,---- > | emacs -Q > `---- > > and then activate org-mouse, it works..... > > It works with emacs -Q: > Org-mode version 7.9.3f (release_7.9.3f-17-g7524ef @ > /usr/local/Cellar/emacs-mac/emacs-24.3-mac-4.7/share/emacs/24.3/lisp/org/) > GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0 > AppKit 1265.19) of 2014-03-07 on Rainers-MacBook-Pro-2.local [2 times] > > It doesn't work with normal emacs.org: > Org-mode version 8.2.5h (release_8.2.5h-686-g28ddf0 @ /Users/rainerkrug/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp/) > GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0 > AppKit 1265) of 2014-02-13 on Rainers-MacBook-Pro-2.local To add to this: using the init.el below which does not load any further init, it doesn't work either Org-mode version 8.2.5h (release_8.2.5h-732-g073470 @ /Users/rainerkrug/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp/) GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0 AppKit 1265) of 2014-02-13 on Rainers-MacBook-Pro-2.local --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- ;;; init.el --- Where all the magic begins ;; ;; This file loads both ;; - Org-mode : http://orgmode.org/ and ;; - Org-babel: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/org-babel.php#library-of-babel ;; ;; It then loads the rest of our Emacs initialization from Emacs lisp ;; embedded in literate Org-mode files. ;; avoid freezing of noninteractively started emacs daemon when there are autosaved files ;; see [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933134/emacs-daemon-startup-freezes-if-file-has-auto-save-data]] for details (defadvice desktop-restore-file-buffer (around my-desktop-restore-file-buffer-advice) "Be non-interactive while starting a daemon." (if (and (daemonp) (not server-process)) (let ((noninteractive t)) ad-do-it) ad-do-it)) (ad-activate 'desktop-restore-file-buffer) ;; Load up Org Mode and Org Babel for elisp embedded in Org Mode files (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp") (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/contrib/lisp") ;; load up Org-mode and Org-babel (require 'org) ;; load up the main file ;; (org-babel-load-file "~/.emacs.d/emacs.org") (custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(Linum-format "%7i ") '(ansi-color-names-vector ["#242424" "#E5786D" "#95E454" "#CAE682" "#8AC6F2" "#333366" "#CCAA8F" "#F6F3E8"]) '(ansi-term-color-vector [unspecified "#14191f" "#d15120" "#81af34" "#deae3e" "#7e9fc9" "#a878b5" "#7e9fc9" "#dcdddd"]) '(background-color "#fcf4dc") '(background-mode light) '(browse-url-browser-function (quote browse-url-default-macosx-browser)) '(canlock-password "da2a78a044d240d5111068dc8e1c3a9f8d311614") '(cursor-color "#52676f") '(custom-safe-themes (quote ("ed81411169b1b3e3d4cfc39b09d68ea13e0ff7708dc5b9d0bedb319e071968ad" "a37600b047da389eccc4a17b5f165d512fb1d32f18d93cffb28154b5f4eb4437" "7a9f392481b6e2fb027ab9d8053ab36c0f23bf5cc1271206982339370d894c74" "57072d797dc09fcf563051a85a29d6a51d6f2b1a602e029c35b05c30df319b2a" "a3d519ee30c0aa4b45a277ae41c4fa1ae80e52f04098a2654979b1ab859ab0bf" "f32dd8e7b3a508874eded03d5be43d2bdfffe81c199eea72de06ce3e653db720" "cf3ee051794b9bde203a4e1bb8e005367cc121aaffc0abd94893db8fde8dcc5c" "aa74186764f2d91356b4a98aa56cb931cbd7f6e82e25a84ce212b254e4415cb5" "3b2acc09fedfafb58e09c130f2ff107c5f56232cef7b3114d1b48068d7902c35" "817ce7168851955b2d67a9dfb2f4bb283504e3be87b17932bd8a3ee4b43cfeb1" "3ad55e40af9a652de541140ff50d043b7a8c8a3e73e2a649eb808ba077e75792" "4ea594ee0eb3e5741ab7c4b3eeb36066f795c61aeebad843d74f0a28a81a0352" "543976df2de12eb2ac235c79c7bc1dac6c58f4a34ae6f72237d6e70d8384f37a" "2b5aa66b7d5be41b18cc67f3286ae664134b95ccc4a86c9339c886dfd736132d" "94d66281c0398118afd3fdb921d8b813401a36748ce4541e7ad6b1533a557a9f" "5dfacaf380068d9ed06e0872a066a305ab6a1217f25c3457b640e76c98ae20e6" "1f3304214265481c56341bcee387ef1abb684e4efbccebca0e120be7b1a13589" "9ea054db5cdbd5baa4cda9d373a547435ba88d4e345f4b06f732edbc4f017dc3" "06f5145c01ec774a0abb49eeffa3980743ce2f997112b537effeb188b7c51caf" "8c5ffc9848db0f9ad4e296fa3cba7f6ea3b0e4e00e8981a59592c99d21f99471" "1e7e097ec8cb1f8c3a912d7e1e0331caeed49fef6cff220be63bd2a6ba4cc365" "fc5fcb6f1f1c1bc01305694c59a1a861b008c534cae8d0e48e4d5e81ad718bc6" "15b738af688c8375d97ca2fa909cd67fe9bc82499096d7c93dcd03dc56dbb19f" "16ed7499f0aa95afecf0a212cb1703cf6d7e804347fc4683130c847bfd9fd092" "24cb1b9c182198f52df7cebf378ee9ecca93a2daeb9a90049a2f1f556119c742" default))) '(fci-rule-character-color "#192028") '(foreground-color "#52676f") '(frame-brackground-mode (quote dark)) '(fringe-mode 4 nil (fringe)) '(main-line-color1 "#1e1e1e") '(main-line-color2 "#111111") '(main-line-separator-style (quote chamfer)) '(org-toodledo-folder-support-mode (quote heading)) '(org-toodledo-userid "XXXXXXXX") '(powerline-color1 "#1e1e1e") '(powerline-color2 "#111111") '(safe-local-variable-values (quote ((org-babel-tangle-run-postTangleScript . t) (org-toodledo-folder-support-mode) (org-toodledo-userid . "XXXXXXX") (org-toodledo-userid . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) (org-toodledo-folder-support-mode . t) (org2blog/wp-use-tags-as-categories) (org2blog/wp-use-tags-as-categories . t) (line-move-visual . t) (org-babel-tangled-file . t)))) '(send-mail-function (quote smtpmail-send-it))) (custom-set-faces ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. ) (put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled nil) --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- > > Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug email: RMKruggmailcom