Ihor Radchenko writes: > "Christopher M. Miles" writes: > >> Ok, I upload on Disroot website: >> >> https://upload.disroot.org/r/7skmXw7a#zt0jISsPuV0f3LkY9aRyz77X3iAOyD3cuue1Fbi9zy0= > > So, the hang happens on `epg-wait-for-status'. > So, again, may you try to run the exact command line (including absence > of input file) manually in terminal? > > Basically, `epg-wait-for-status' is looking at the output of gpg, > waiting for "[GNUPG:] BEGIN_ENCRYPTION" and never gets that status from > gpg. AFAIU. I executed bellowing command in terminal without input file. (I added aside comment using marker "|<--") #+begin_src sh :eval no $ gpg --no-tty --status-fd 1 --yes --enable-progress-filter --command-fd 0 --pinentry-mode loopback --encrypt -r 1B5DF1C95AE89AC3 -r B8C4B8E547C32433 [GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3 0 [GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED 9BAA92BCCDDDB9EF3B36CB99B8C4B8E547C32433 0 [GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3 0 gpg: 1B5DF1C95AE89AC3: skipped: public key already present |<-- gpg wait for input and stopped here. [GNUPG:] BEGIN_ENCRYPTION |<-- followed your hints, I input "[GNUPG:] BEGIN_ENCRYPTION" manually here. hello |<-- I input text manually here. [GNUPG:] PROGRESS stdin ? 0 0 B |<-- gpg start to encrypting =9I'iz^z=Ⱥ*pD>n̯dCj.:wD"zCy 8$| xMIiEXM{q2]"k1vx_$xIc3^L!L' $_уp T%QC a^i WۄSuڅk?#\T}7 QhkwvUI#>^xNg{ #v/jͽrW[q9,W'%ϽVZ53BJGm_0VL`*vgT}[eQA:amRs?+z}6A/"b(?QU5*>ɨWQD$ih@ep^9<~[=5