Hello, I'm trying to replicate the following latex code to orgmode so that it exports correctly in latex and orgmode: #+begin_src latex \begin{figure}[h] \[\scalebox{2}{\color{ blue}$\omega^{(\omega^\omega\,+\, \omega^2 \times 8 \,+\, \omega) }+ \omega^\omega + \omega^4+ 6$}\] \caption{An ordinal in Cantor normal form \label{fig:cnf-example}} \end{figure} #+end_src I'm currently using this: #+begin_src org ,#+caption: An ordinal in Cantor normal form ,#+name: fig:cnf-example ,#+begin_figure \[ \omega^{(\omega^\omega\,+\, \omega^2 \times 8 \,+\, \omega)}+ \omega^\omega + \omega^4+ 6 \] ,#+end_figure #+end_src (I'm not too worried about the scaling and color, I can deal with them using a custom environment in latex and a CSS in html). The html code that is generated forgets both the caption and the label: #+begin_src html

\[ \omega^{(\omega^\omega\,+\, \omega^2 \times 8 \,+\, \omega)}+ \omega^\omega + \omega^4+ 6 \]

#+end_src I see that captions are correctly generated for images in html export. Is there something special I need to do for other kinds of figures? Thanks, Alan -- OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7 Monthly Athmospheric CO₂ (2016-01, Mauna Loa Obs.): 402.52