Hi, I'm trying to set up a capture template of type "function" in order to produce a daily log file named after today's date. It mostly works. However, after doing the C-cC-c to close the capture buffer the window is left holding the daily log file which the capture just updated instead of going back to whatever buffer I was in when I initiated the capture. This returning-to-previous-buffer behavior is what I see when I use the file+headline capture type. Can someone say how I might get this behavior for the "function" capture type as well? Here is my setup: (defun bv-daily-log-file () (find-file (concat "~/org/web/notes/" (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d") ".org")) (goto-char (point-max)) (newline 2) ) (setq org-capture-templates (quote ( ("n" "Note" entry (function bv-daily-log-file) "\* %U %^{title}\n %a\n\n%?" :empty-lines 1) ))) Thanks, -Brett.