David Bjergaard writes: > I use org mode as a lab notebook. I write org-src blocks to keep track > of tasks I do at the command line, and then I copy paste them into the > terminal. I would really like to hit "C-c C-c" on the source block and > have it executed on the remote machine. I know that you can specify > the remote machine according to [1], however the software I use requires > a fairly complicated setup to get going. Is it just complicated, or is it also prohibitively long-running? If just the former, you could maybe bundle the setup into some shell script and source it in each of your sh source blocks. Eg: #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :dir /ssh:lycastus:/home/bviren /bin/pwd echo $HOSTNAME ls -l foo.sh echo "---" cat foo.sh echo "---" source ./foo.sh echo $FOO #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : /home/bviren : lycastus : -rw-rw-r-- 1 bviren bviren 16 Nov 18 10:27 foo.sh : --- : export FOO=bar : : --- : bar If the setup is purely environmental, and it takes a long time to perform, maybe you could do the set up once and then cache the resulting environment using the output of "env". -Brett.