#+Title: a collection of examples for ob-awk tests #+OPTIONS: ^:nil * Simple tests :PROPERTIES: :ID: 9e998b2a-3581-43fe-b26d-07d3c507b86a :END: Run without input stream #+begin_src awk :output silent :results silent BEGIN { print 42 } #+end_src Use a code block output as an input #+begin_src awk :stdin genseq :results silent { print 42+$1 } #+end_src Use input file #+name: genfile #+begin_src awk :in-file ob-awk-test.in :results silent $0~/[\t]*#/{ # skip comments next } { print $1*10 } #+end_src #+name: awk-table-input | a | b | c | #+begin_src awk :var a=awk-table-input BEGIN{ print a; } #+end_src * Input data generators A code block to generate input stream #+name: genseq #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent (print "1") #+end_src