Hi, The method org-agenda-show-clocking-issues has a faulty regex, which leads to false-positive clocking issues: " Clocked: +(-\\|\\([0-9]+:[0-9]+\\))" There is no outer group to limit the OR-expression \\|, so the right half will match timestamps with a closing parenthesis without any "Clocked" in front of it. I added a non-capturing group in the attached patch: " Clocked: +(\\(?:-\\|\\([0-9]+:[0-9]+\\)\\))". Reproduction: Define a custom agenda: (setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(("d" "Clock report for today" agenda ""                                     ((org-agenda-span 1) (org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode t)                                      (org-agenda-start-with-log-mode 'clockcheck))))) Use an org file that is included in org-agenda-files, and add this sample headline: Sample headline with time and closing parenthesis in it (it happened at 12:00) Clock in and out of the headline, make sure the clock timespan is at least 1 minute, and open the agenda defined above. Observe that the headline is reported as overlapping with itself, as the faulty regex will match twice on its agenda line. Best Regards, Tim